Monday, May 29, 2017

My joy is full!

AH! The baptism was the best day ever, and this weekend was great, too. I'll write more about the confirmation in a bit :) But it's so true mama. He did look different. He's always had a special spirit, but after his baptism I felt like he had become perfect. And he basically had. Ah! It was so amazing. From day one, Bu has had the desire to be forgiven of his sins, and become a follower of Christ. I'm really feeling connected lately to the scripture we all know from Doctrine and Covenants 18:13-15. Bu felt so much joy on that special day. He told us that he felt bright. He felt the spirit.

"And how great is his joy in the soul that repenteth!

Wherefore, you are called to cry repentance unto this people.

And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!"

My joy is full.

But with this great joy, also came something a little bit sad. The very next day, Elder T. Stout was transferred. You asked me, Mama, if it was hard to say goodbye to Elder Stout. In truth, it was among the saddest moments of my life to let go of him as my companion. I don't believe another missionary has ever been so heartbroken at a transfer. There were a lot of tears shed. I really feel like that final day as companions marked the end of our childhoods. 

Not only that, but the end of a truly great period of change in the Sanjo Branch which has become possibly the most special place in the world for me. When I hugged him goodbye and he got on the bus, what I felt was something akin to how I felt the day I said goodbye to you and dad and Megan and Hudson at the MTC. It took me by serious shock, and I was a bit out of sorts for the next several days. In fact, I probably still am. It was sad knowing I probably won't see him again for a year and a half, and a lot will change in that time. I can't put into words how these last few months have impacted mine and Elder T. Stout's lives. I am eternally grateful to him and the Lord for allowing us to experience it all together. The Lord is kind. :)

But Elder Ulrich is here now. He's an amazing elder!! Full of the spirit, he's obedient, kind, really big and smart and a great natural leader! He's actually been to most of my past areas :D
His first area was in Chiba (same zone as Narita,) next area was Sanjo (where we are ;) next was Shibuya (that's when we became friends! Actually, fun fact, when he was going to Sanjo the first time, he and I traveled together and he dropped me off in Shibuya before he left.) then he went to Sakado and then Urawa (both in Saitama, part of it being while I was there!) and then he came back here. So we have a lot of connections! :D It's been way cool. I forgot what it's like having a companion who's not your childhood best friend. Sometimes the apartment gets like... quiet. It's weird. But I'm getting readjusted to the old life-style of getting to know my companion! And it's been a lot of fun.

Update on our kyudoshya's!
Asako is now a third of the way through Alma, committed to finish as soon as she can. She's meeting with the sisters. She is very busy, though, with I think two jobs. so pray she can make time! She said she wants me to confirm her if I can, and for Elder Ulrich to baptize her if he can!!!! AKA, she needs to get baptized in like 5 weeks. And she knows it. So that's the plan! More to come later.
Okamura san met us today and is looking really good to get baptized this month! :D He always takes great notes, and currently has a stack of church materials including: the Book of Mormon, several pamphlets, a priesthood class manual, and a Hymnal! He loves the church and we sat next to each other yesterday in Sacrament meeting. Woot woot!
Sister Hoshino's husband (the member who I mentioned earlier,) has met with us consistently once a week for nearly a month now. That's a new record for the last several years!! He's also finally really making progress because we're taking it really slow. In the past, we've moved too fast. We're now realizing he's missing key Christian ideologies that make it impossible to understand the Book of Mormon, even though he reads it daily. So that's our focus. Please pray he can make it to church this week :D
Met Mark and his Mom and they were both so happy to see us. They said we can come over again. Still haven't been able to share the message with them for various reasons, but I think that this week that'll change!! Please pray for them too!!
Toshiki is struggling right now. Yui is getting really really close. They're together in the hospital. Lots of prayers would be helpful. I also pray that they'll both be baptized before I leave, but it's hard to tell as this point.
(Gomen, sorry for asking for so many prayers )

Thanks so much for your support! :D It was truly the best kind of experience. Yesterday, Bu came to church early and I explained how the confirmation goes down and what all of the words mean, directly following that, I was able to perform the blessing in Japanese. It was a first, and kind of scary, but one of the most sacred and powerful moments of my life, when I placed my hand on Bu's head, and then President Nakagawa and his counselors, Brother Tsuchida and Brother Kumagai, and then Elder Ulrich and two other Melchizedek priesthood holders joined. A sweet member named Sister Hoshino wrote the blessing down and asked me to rewrite it from kanji into hiragana so that Bu can always have it as a memorial. :) What a sweet experience.

We got dinner one more time with Bu, and it was unreal. He told us that he already has a builder's license and lots of experience with buying property, and also has made enough money here in Japan to be well off when he returns. He plans to build the first Mormon church in Myanmar. In his words, "There are a lot of Buddhist's who need the gospel. And Myanmar people would love it! They've just never heard it.  We can do this! We can do this..."
His referral, Mrs. Taguma (or Sandy) is preparing with the Niigata Sisters now to be able to be baptized in the next month or so. She's so golden!!! It was a pleasure to work with her as much as we did.

What else? Anything else...? Um, I think for now, that'll have to do. I'm loving the work so much right now! We're sprinting to the finish line here in Sanjo!!

I love you more! ;) Thank you for your wonderful letters :) I miss you so much. Glad to hear you're doing well and had a great mother's day. I love you so so much!!


    Elder Stout :D
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Packing . . . 

Locking the door for the last time in 7 months before giving me the keys...

Train snacks one more time. These ones were our favorite!

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