Monday, June 5, 2017

Life is Good!

It happened.

Introducing Masato Kun. He's so cute!!!

I got to talk to Yui on the phone, she sounded exhausted, but said, "I'm so so happy." (I always ask her, "Genki desu ka?" (Are you doing well?) And she always responds, without fail, "Genki jyanai." (No.)
But she said, "Genki desu yo"!! (I'm doing very well!) I think Masato is going to change a lot of things for that family. But as for now, that's about all in regards to Toshiki's progress in the gospel. He's doing well, though. Earlier this week he came with us to visit an older member, and then we went out to eat and then played golf together today, it was way fun! 

Life is good.
This Sunday our congregation had lots of people, including less actives and members. It was so wonderful!! Like I said in my email last week, and you mentioned in your email, I've gotten so attached to this work and this country, and especially this ward. We're seeing a lot of miracles here! We started a morning prayer a couple weeks ago, where the whole branch prays in the morning at 7 o'clock to both have missionary opportunities and for our investigators to progress. We're seeing so much growth. I never had any idea what being a member of the church outside of Utah was like until recently, I don't think. Because I've been here so long I feel like just another member. I can't believe how blessed I was to be born where I was. Utah is basically heaven on earth (it sounds funny, but it's true) but the dendo fire in our ward right now is inspiring. It's really something special to be a part of.

In short, we're doing way well! :) Elder Ulrich is great! We've known each other a long time, and so it's been pretty easy to get to work.
He's also way nice and funny. He's super pro at sports, especially golf and basketball, and is like, WAY ripped. He works out way hard. We also go running every morning which is the best thing ever. :Dhe was a student body president and a super star player at his high school, and he's a way good leader too! He makes me want to understand sports better. I'm always humiliated to tell people how little I know about football and stuff. Papa, I'm ready for you to teach me a lot.  I've had too many companions judge me  (Not actually judge, they all just laugh and say, "You don't know what a line backer does?!")

He's way dedicated and consecrated to the Lord's work and is just a great example of someone who is ready to work. Every chance we get to do a random act of good or stop someone somewhere, he jumps on it. He also has a way powerful way of simply testifying about any gospel principle and inviting the spirit. I'm lucky to be his companion! :)

Our investigators are right on the cusp (to quote Trevor)! Okamura san said that he wants to be baptized this month. We asked him at the end of our lesson on 3 Nephi 11, "Do you believe these things to be true?" And he responded, "of course! How long do I have to wait to get baptized?" We explained that he needs to learn of some commandments and that if he commits to follow God then he can. Please pray that he will be able to meet tomorrow and learn the rest of the commandments this week. 

Brother Hoshino is also doing waaaay good. He said this last week he couldn't come to church, but this week he'll try. He's already got faith, we're just trying to help him polish it.
Asako just finished Helaman!! Pray that she'll just follow the spirit and get baptized! She's just nervously waiting.
Yes!! We haven't had a chance to meet since, but the other day we stopped by and Mark's mom asked us, "Can you teach me bible lessons?" So we have plans to meet up and teach her a lesson soon! :D

Thanks for the words from your mission president, it actually meant a lot. I don't think you've ever told me about your last interview before. I can definitely really relate with it right now. I'm looking forward to the next stage of life, too, then. I'll always try to enjoy the rest of this one to its fullest! :) I also loved all of the pics of the girls and Hudson! Hahaha, I can't wait to see them :) :)

Thanks for your sweet email, it's so good to hear from you :) I miss you, and I love you so much!!!


    Elder Stout :D
          🇺🇸  •  🇯🇵
スタウト長老 ^o^

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