Monday, June 12, 2017

The Lord's promises are absolute!


This week in Sanjo was crazy! I don't even know where to begin.
There's a lot of personal stuff going on with Toshiki and Yui that I can't talk about over email. What I can say is that yesterday was the most intense day of my life. Yui came out of the hospital and was at church, which was the best thing ever! I had never seen her happier in my life then she was that morning. She couldn't stop bragging about her baby, and it was so cute. However, some things happened, and she had a breathing attack and passed out in the church, and when she came to, the sisters told her about priesthood blessings. She said she'd like one. What ensued was too sacred to write here. She is progressing wonderfully, but Toshiki is backtracking dramatically, and the situation has become very severe. If we could have them in your prayers this week, it would be very much appreciated.
The baby is doing well. :)
Through the experiences of yesterday, President Nakagawa has gone from being one of my mission heroes, to probably the person who has influenced me most on my mission.

Mark's avoiding us. Also a long story. I'll tell you more about that when I can.
However, his mom has a TON of interest, and is just waiting for us to be able to come over with a male present! We are on the verge of just sending the sisters, because she is so 金人!!(kinjin, or golden)

Okamura San is also kin! Came to church, but wasn't really able to meet this week. He's way busy. We're going to have to push his date back, but hopefully not too much. He's had to cancel on us like 3 times this week, but hopefully we can find time :P

Hoshino san is doing well! He doesn't think he understands anything, but he actually understands a ton. So, we're working with that!

We've had a lot of fun experiences just chatting with everyone we meet on trains and in shops and such. Gotten quite a few phone numbers from interested guys, and so hopefully things'all start to happen with them! :)  

Super cool story of the week!! So, mission school is all year round :) Also Japanese schooling is pretty different from American. They don't have a big long summer break, they only have 4 small breaks, one each season. Right now, they're finishing their first term (which starts in like, April?) and are just starting second term of the 4 term system. So, plenty of people to teach English to :) THE BEST NEWS THOUGH, is that last week Yusuke (brother Nakagawa's 13-year-old son, and my super good buddy,) told me, "I tried inviting a friend, and he didn't want to come at all..." so I just told him, "Don't give up!"
Then he calls me Thursday afternoon, "Hey Elder Stout. So, I invited my friends again. And 3 of them are coming. So like... just know, they probably aren't planning on getting baptized, but..."
"Yusuke. We got you. What do you and your bros like? Chocolate? Chips? Soda?"
"Eh? Really???"
"Of course. We're gonna make it the best English class ever!!"
And we did. And they said they'll come back next week. MIRACLES!!!!

Went to visit Maeda Kyoudai with the stake president and his wife (she was bapitzed when he was a branch president.) It went FANTASTIC. He was so happy and genki and we talked about the church and the old branch so much!!

Splits with Kashiwa choro were way fun! He bought me a super fancy kind of sushi which was amazing. Someday I'm gonna have to take you to sushi and show you all of my favorites. You'll die.

Toshiki and Elder Ulrich.

Niigata Zone Conference.

You know what I love? Testifying. I'm so grateful that I've had so many amazing experiences and seen so many miracles that I can testify confidently about. I remember when I first came on my mission I thought, "I got my answer to the Book of Mormon, and that's fine and all, but like. . . I don't want to promise anyone else they can do it, cuz what if they don't?"
But now I understand. Now I know that the Lord's promises are absolute. If somebody follows every commitment we give them with sincerity in their heart, then they WILL receive every blessing we promise in the Lord's name. I'm not afraid anymore. I've learned it because I've seen it time and time again. I've seen people's lives completely change as they follow the holy ghost and obey God's commandments, and I've seen people's lives fall to pieces as they've thrown out their beliefs and done what they want. I know that God watches out for us, I've felt him talk to me through the Holy Ghost on a daily basis for so long now that to question it is like questioning whether or not my best friends Sam or Todd are real!
I can't wait to share my testimony and my experiences with everyone I meet and to strengthen the Lord's Zion for the duration of my life!

I love you so much Mama, I hope you're doing well! I can't wait to hug you, too! And to speak for hours and hours about Japan and your mission and the gospel and everything else, and to do service projects around the house, and to speak Japanese together, and do lots of other fun family activities! I'll see you way soon. Time is moving way fast, if you blink you might miss my homecoming. However, I loved the advice from your mission president. Keep making the most of right now! But I'll see you soon! :) Take care!! :)

    Elder Stout :D
          🇺🇸  •  🇯🇵
スタウト長老 ^o^

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