Monday, May 8, 2017

Please pray for Bu!

It's amazing how many life changing experiences and revelations I've received on my mission. I know there's a lot more in the "raisei" (japanese for "next life" ;) However, I really have come to understand that there's a lot I DON'T understand, since being on a mission. I have really come to just love every part of life. I'm really loving where I'm at right now! :) Only one more transfer. 8 weeks sounds like a while, but one transfer FLIES by for me. Especially the last 5 transfers ;)
I love Japan so much. I loved it before my mission, but now it feels like home. I've become completely obsessed with virtually every aspect of the culture. I'm far enough in the spoken and written language to want to go all the way and just completely master it :) I get really sad thinking, though, that I probably won't spend much of my life here. It would make more sense to live in America close to family. But every day that goes by, I love this place more and more. I haven't said it to anyone but my companion, but I almost just want to go to college here in Sanjo at the Niigata University and then help the missionaries and branch to become a ward! Haha, so, your letter was perfect for me to here. What you said about most of my life being ahead of me... well, it's very true :)
I'm so grateful for the wonderful examples of saints you and mom are to us kids. I'm also way grateful for the efforts you've always put in to apply what the brethren teach: family night, weekly PPIs, daily scripture study, letting us make decisions for ourselves, etc. . . You two really are the best parents in the world.

Yep, I'm just doing my best here. I'm remembering that many of the apostles never saw a baptism on their mission. What you said about Elder Maxwell made me feel better, because he's grown to be a hero of mine (and in Elder Bednar's words, "a modern Isaiah," in the eyes of many,) kind of in the same way that hearing that President Hinckley almost came home earlier helped me overcome selfish thoughts in the beginning of my mission. I just really really want to be able to see some of the people that I teach enter into the waters of baptism for several reasons. 1) The church in Japan has been on the decline for sometime, and I want so badly to change that, because I love this country and these people with all of my heart. 2) I know the joy that the gospel can bring, and just want people to accept that!! There was a time at the beginning of my mission that I had a hard time testifying because I was just nervously following a script I learned in the MTC, but then I was hit with revelation that every single good thing in my life happened because of this church and you (and mom) deciding to raise me in it. From then on, it became very easy. I want others to understand that too!! 3) As a missionary, I want to fulfill the measure of my creation. And I've thought for a long time that I couldn't unless I was baptizing people. Some missionaries in other countries say that, "It was when I gave myself up and wanted it more than anything else that we baptized 2 families!" And sometimes, even that isn't enough to see baptisms in Japan. But What I do know, is that the blessings I've received from my mission are endless. I've changed so much and have the fire that I'm sure many other young men have when they come back, where I want to be a super good young men's adviser, scout leader, mission prep teacher, and home teacher. What I want to be can be described by the documentary about President Thomas S. Monson on the Gospel Library App. I don't mean the impressive callings at all, though, I just mean when he was called as a young men's leader it wasn't just good for those boys, the program exploded in size. I want to be that kind of dedicated servant of the lord! No matter what I do, make it something great.

So even though sometimes it's hard, I've realized that I am fulfilling the measure of my calling as a missionary, and am doing exactly what the Lord wants me to do. If I weren't, I wouldn't see daily miracles. It's amazing the difference I see in my life now from what I was like before my mission. I still have a long way to go, but a slightly shorter way than before ;)

This week was awesome. I don't even know where to start. Maybe with something funny.

Today we went out to eat with Toshiki and his brother Ren. We got playing Tic-Tac-Toe, and then after a hundred rounds wanted to raise the stakes, so we started a game of it that was made of 9 smaller games. If you won a game, you filled the whole thing in. Sadly, I won. After that, we started talking to Sister Okuzawa and Yui, and then I glanced back to see Toshiki going crazy trying to figure out some strategies. He fills in an X (his shape,) then a O (my shape,) and then an X, and then a O, a third X, and then a third O, then pauses, realizing he had cut himself off making a win on either side impossible.
He looked around uncomfortably for a split second, and then quickly sketched an X on top of the O. 

 I about died laughing. Realizing that I had watched, he got a little embarrassed, "Yeah... I lost against myself...."

We asked them about their wedding. Everyone just got a little awkward saying they still haven't contacted his grandmother. I think there's probably a lot more to it, because... weddings are kinda a big deal ;) But I think we should keep praying that they'll be married soon.

Bu is the most prepared person I've ever met in my life. I'm just gonna keep saying it.
After our dendo fireside last week he introduced us to his friend Taguma Mieko. She and her daughters came to mission school last week. Well, we also met on Sunday (sadly due to some issues they weren't able to make church, but they'll be coming this week for sure!) We taught the Plan of Salvation which she was really interested in, and we made plans to meet again this week! For Bu, we have met 3 times, and haven't taught him the commandments because of Taguma san being there... We're grateful that we have a new friend to teach, but he is right on the edge of getting baptized, so we decided to just show up at his house tonight to see if we can teach him a little bit! If all goes well, he will be baptized the Saturday after this one on the 20th. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PRAY THAT HE'LL MAKE IT!!!

Oh! For the mother's day call, let's do it on Japan's May 15th at 10:00 AM (Tokyo Time.) Does that work for you? :) I can't wait!!! It can only be 40 minutes, so we'll need to watch the clock. I'm seriously so excited for this call, I can't handle it!! :) Can you believe Stouto Choro and I will be here for a second one?? It's gonna be awesome :D

Okamura san is doing great! :D He's come to church two weeks in a row, and has committed to continue to do so. He's doing super great! We love teaching him.

Yes, I got a nice and long letter from Grandpa and I can't wait to share it with Maeda Kyoudai! :D We won't be able to until about Wednesday because we've been very busy, but I'll get his number as soon as possible!!! Tell grandpa I'm so grateful for 1) His help and support and prayers 2) His amazing stories that I absolutely love to hear!! It makes me so happy that we shared a mission area :D Also, I didn't know he was companions with his brother!!! THAT'S SO COOL!! Just like me! :D
Also, I wrote a good deal about my feelings of coming back to Japan with you four. Suffice it to say: YES. I'm gonna give you the royal tour of my mission, and it's gonna be awesome. Also, dad has to record the whole thing as the ultimate record of the best two years of my life so far with lots of footage and interviews on public trains and in front of church's and at members homes and stuff ;)

Haha, those pics of the recital were so cute! :D I wish I coulda been there for lil' Lylah Grace. I'll go to her recitals later on in life, though! I love our family so much! I'm glad you had a great time. 
I also really love hearing your insights from woman's conference. It's become a favorite past time of ours to look up devotionals and study them during dinner and after 9 o'clock. I've come to be really good at studying. In the words of Elder Morris, "Man, that zone conference was only 3 hours, it was so short! I like the 6 hour ones more. Wait.... what did I just say....? What happened to me?!? 3 hours of church used to be so long!!!"

I love you so much too! :) Talk to you soon :D :D :D

Your favorite child,
    Elder Stout :D
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