Monday, May 15, 2017

Toshiki and Yui are married!

It was so much fun to skype call you!!! :)
I love the craziness of the calls, that's one of my favorite things about them :) I love having the little nieces and nephews running around being funny :)

Skyping the Stouts!!

Skyping Hazy ;)

Oh wow. The day that elder Stout and I saw each other again was really emotional, I can't explain it. A year and a half since I'd seen family.. I have a feeling that seeing ALL of you again is gonna be way way way emotional and super fun, and if it's anything like seeing Todd again, it'll be 3 days of nonstop talking!! I am so excited to see you again, but I'm gonna make the most of my time here while I can! :)

I think God is going to give us the same blessings you wrote about, mama. Toshiki (Okuzawa) went to the city office today. And you know his ex-girlfriend? Her name is now officially Yui Okuzawa.
He's getting baptized soon, possibly this week, possibly on Sunday. We're contacting President Nagano tonight to let him know. Next email, Toshiki may be a member of the church :) The prayers are working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Best buds!

No news on Bu yet, I'll get back to you on that soon!! :)

We're really excited to visit Brother Maeda again and talk with him. Having him at church was such a wonderful experience, the spirit was so strong. :) It wasn't just him though, we had Myla, the lady that approached elder Stout and I at the train station and her daughter came too. They're best friends with the ward and the sisters now, and said they'll be back next week after hugging everyone!! :) Same with Taguma san, Bu's friend. She loved church! It was the most full Sunday I've ever seen in Sanjo. We'll need a new church building soon! :D (they were taking pictures with the woman in the ward and then Myla asked us to jump in...)

My mission has already been the best two years of my life so far, these experiences have changed who I am. I'm so grateful to God for loving me enough to give me such a wonderful life.
I just want to tell anyone who's even considering a mission, "DO IT!!!"

The Lord has been blessing so much as every morning we wake up and do a ward phone call at 7 o'clock and pray together that we'll see growth in the ward as everyone does their best to spread the gospel. (We were asked to do so by Elder Choi, so of course we have been ;)

What a blessed time in Japan!! :D

The matsuri (festival) was the best!!! Matsuri are one of my favorite things about Japan!! The food, the shops, the atmosphere, is just so fun. Being a foreigner makes it even better because everyone just gawks at you and pokes their friends and points and says, "Ikemen!" (Which means, "They're so cool!" Because we're American) it's good for your self esteem ;) I'll send lots of pics!! :)

Chocolate bananas :D Super popular at matsuri.

Tons of good foods!

A bunch of monks gathered at "Lawson" the convience store after their parade.

Haunted house at the matsuri. 

Rice farming 2 weeks ago! :D

On splits with my zone leader, we were with a recent convert coming back from helping on another rice field and got a flat tire, and while walking ran into a debut for a new movie where they had one of the race cars on display. So he demanded that we snap a cool pic. 

I love you so much mama, seeing you and everyone else today was the best!!! :) I love you! Happy Mother's Day!!!!

Always your baby,

    Elder Stout :D
          🇺🇸  •  🇯🇵
スタウト長老 ^o^

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