Monday, February 27, 2017

The Lord has bigger plans for us than I thought

How are ya? :D It was great to hear from you today! We had various dendo activities this morning, and so we're writing emails at the end of the day rather than at the beginning. Whew! We're tired, but had a good p-day. We had to make this one especially good!

All last week the district was making comments about how transfers were coming and how we'd been companions for a long time. Of course, it was on Elder Stout's and my minds too. My whooole mission has kinda been leading up to the days where the two of us would be companions, and I have no idea what's next. So of course, I got really nervous. Elder Stout had convinced himself that we were for sure staying together another transfer, but as I was sitting in my futon writing in my journal I realized there were only 5 or 6 pages left before the end of my green journal. "How fitting," I thought, "to finish this journal that I brought from home with the companion I brought from home." I mean, it's pretty poetic for our adventure to end the way that all truly great ones do: on the last page of a big leather bound book.

And so while he thought we had more time, I thought our time was up. But as I was praying during personal study, and reflected on our time together, I thought on the things that we have accomplished and on the things that we still wish to accomplish, and I felt a little pained. "There's so much good that a crazy companionship like ours could do..." I prayed fervently, "thy will be done... but if it's thy will, or if you can fit it into the plan, can we just do one more?"

We got a call from our district leader Elder Burch who after making a couple jokes about accidentally calling us during transfer calls..........
WE'RE STAYING. We're staying. We yelled and hugged for joy just like the day that we both got our mission calls! :D
The Lord has bigger plans for us than I had thought :) I can't wait for our upcoming adventures.

Well, times running out much faster than usual today, so I'll wrap up the good times we had this week :)


Asako: Everyone's been asking about Asako. Elder T. Stout and I have also been asking about Asako. So, she's been meeting with the sisters, but only about once a week or every other week. They're doing their absolute best to meet with her, but she's become really busy and hasn't been able to talk much. She won't be able to make her baptismal date, which we're all pretty devastated about. We hope she's doing well, nobody really knows what's going on :\ Please keep praying for her.

Toshiki: He just lost his job and the seas are rougher than ever. :\ However, whenever he meets with us, we are able to share lessons with him and Yui and she is golden. When she's struggling, she finds a lot of comfort in our lessons on doctrine and from church videos. 

Mark: We met with him and his mom instructed us to do a gospel lesson before we helped with homework, and it was AWESOME!!! He's doing just as well as ever, but wasn't able to meet other than that day :)

Bu: Has been unable to meet for several weeks, we're really worried about him again. :\ Prayers would be appreciated.


Elder Snyder
You probably don't remember him, but he's my district leader from Narita :D Right now he's a traveling assistant going from area to area, but he had a huge impact on me back then, and now.  He's going home next week which I can't believe, but I've always been so blessed with my wonderful friends and leaders and learning so much from him once again was a dream come true. I saw many prayers answered as we went together to the college and the volunteer centers and made lots of progress in our community service.

So much fun just being together with another missionary I look up to so much. As usual, we got insane amounts of food. Kings sized Sukiya... each one of those bowls may be enough for 6 people. (Please forgive me Mark....)

Also, on the topic of food, Elder T. Stout and I boiled tinfoil udon noodles on our stove.... it seems way dangerous, but that's what the instructions said to do, and it turned out way oishii! :D

So, I want to site the scripture you sent me earlier :) 
But first, a story:

Elder Stout and I were on our way to dinner at an indian curry restaurant, and we haven't found new students for our english class for a while, so partially as a joke we decided, "Let's not leave that place without a new student!" And so we went in with faith. Well, the waiter actually struck up a conversation and eventually we were able to invite him. He made sure he knew the address, took two different chirashis, invited his friend, asked for directions on a map app, gave us his facebook, and promised to come asking, "Tuesday at 7 o'clock, right?" About 5 times. Miracles!!

"11 But Ammon said unto him: I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom; but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God.
12 Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."

We can't do anything in this work without the help of God. I wonder what would have happened if we hadn't decided to persue that course with anyone we chanced to meet at the restaurant! We may not have ever invited him. But the Lord sent him to us because our hearts were in the right place. :)

I love you so very much! :D Thank you for the wonderful thoughts and Scriptures!

Talk to you next week! :)

    Elder Stout :D
          🇺🇸  •  🇯🇵

スタウト長老 ^o^

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