Monday, February 1, 2016

As children of God we are entitled to great blessings!

I love you!  I love you mama, and, I love you.  And you love me.  And I will miss you but that's ok because I will be back for Lylah's baptism, and I will still love you.  And you miss me and will still love me.  But I miss you. -Don

Finding has been really rough.  However, we've been working on a new method of using pamphlets in our finding and it’s actually looking up!  I'll let you know more on that later, but so far we haven't found anyone to teach through classic missionary street-work.  

So, as children of God we are all entitled to great blessings.  However, missionaries tend to be honored with a better view of these blessings than most.  I kinda just want to list out some miracles I saw this week.... so I will (:

  1) The most important thing to remember in all we do is love.  True charity.  Caring for others more than ourselves.  It’s interesting: one of every person's strongest desires and needs is love, yet it is one of the only things that no one can attain by themselves.  However, each and every one of us has an unlimited supply of it to give to others through kind words and actions!!  WHY DON'T WE ALL GIVE IT OUT MORE!?
There's a member in our ward who has had a really hard life. Come to think of it, I might have mentioned him last week.  His name is Hanashima.  He has really heavy depression, and I had never seen him smile for more than a brief laugh until yesterday.  It all started with last week saying, "Hey!  How are you doing?"  and then sincerely listening.  We helped him resolve a few concerns and questions he had (that he couldn't have figured out on his own,) and yesterday at church he was absolutely beaming.  He couldn't hold back a smile.  Cushioned by a few other friendly conversations/bro hugs, he's completely transformed and is headed for the temple soon to do his first baptism for the dead.  We're meeting him regularly now, and all just because we listened.

  2) We found a man in our area book but couldn't find his address.  He was a referal from the sisters some time back, so we gave them a call and lo and behold, they had just found his address feeling like they should give it to us!  We visited him and before we even offered our message he begged us to continue regular visits and said he wanted us to have dinner with him soon, apologizing for not coming to church in so long.  (He's not a member, but he sure felt like one.)

  3) Another man we gave a call who set up a return appointment before we had time.  I believe that he was unconsciously following a prompting encouraged by the faith of your prayers in my behalf, but I guess I can't say for sure.  However, when his wife had to go to the hospital and he had to cancel the appointment, he made sure we rescheduled so that we knew he was truly interested.

4) I was on the train trying to talk to a man before he pulled out a news paper and it became impossible to talk to him.  The morning rush kept me crammed awkwardly between two people and I could've gone absolutely nowhere.  I felt my pocket where there was a set of flash cards, "No, its dendo time." I thought.  And yet, I felt prompted to use them.  It wasn't the third card I flipped when the man next to me said, "Are you learning Japanese!?" 5 minutes later, "Wow, I want to come to Eikaiwa!" 5 minutes later, "You pray at church?  Do you sing at church??  I wanna go to church!!" 5 minutes later, "Yes, I'll look for your friends in Yachio, nice to meet you!"

Although we weren't able to find through streeting, The Lord made our labors in other areas fruitful.  Please don't stop praying for us and other missionaries!!  It was the prayers of Alma the younger's father that brought the angel to him--The Lord listens to our sincere prayers.  Well, of course you knew that Mama, but... just thought I'd let you know that it's working (:
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!  I wish I had more time, but I'm about out! 

Take care of yourself and watch Disney movies and think about me (; Also tell the girls, dad, my sisters, my bros, and the whole ward that I love all of them!!


スタウト長老! ^o^

Elder Stout! :D

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