Monday, February 15, 2016

Transfer to Shibuya!!!

Happy Valentines Day!!  I actually forgot what day it was until one of my good friends at church Note San gave me this!! 

How's Davy??? Is he ok?  I didn't realize that much time has already passed!  ええええ, I hope my uncle's doing well.  I love him so much!

So, I am so sorry, today got away from me and I'm out of time because I need to pack— yes, today was transfer calls!!

Elder Crosby is staying here in Narita with one of my MTC "doki" or District members!  (Speaking of whom, my MTC companion Elder Clark is a Zone Leader!!  I'm not one bit surprised, he is such an amazing missionary I love him so much.  Other fun fact, one of my good friends Sister Chinain is switching me places and coming to Narita!  Which means I'm off to........)

SHIBUYA!!!  I’m going to the big city right in the middle of Tokyo!!  Half of my area is English and the other half Japanese, so I'm in for quite an adventure and I'm so excited!!! (:  My new companion's name is Elder Shion Li (Shion as in the Japanese pronunciation of Zion, which is a semi-popular name among members here.  SO cool I think!) He's fluent in Japanese and is a super hard worker; apparently we have 5 investigators near to baptism, so looks like I'll be reaping the work of men better than I again!  I'm a little scared though, my companion is transfer 3, so I'm a senior companion!  AH!!

Saying goodbye to everyone in Narita was the saddest thing ever.  I love and miss every single one of them so much.  Mama, we're coming back here together someday, but I plan to come back for my last transfer like Elder Kitagaki (;

Me and Fuma playing Pterodactyl, which is our favorite game.

I love grandma and grandpa Austin, tell them I'm sorry I haven't responded to their letters yet, but if they email me this week I promise to respond!!

Sorry, this week is a pretty short email, but that's all the time I've got. 

スタウト長老! ^o^
Elder Stout! :D

Katsundo San made gourmet omelets!!!! So good!

Elder Stout's running path in Narita.  The pathway didn't exist a few months ago.

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