Monday, January 25, 2016

Slow week for investigators. It's time to "find."

光陰矢の如しですよね!さいきんはすごく早いですが楽だよ!ちょっと、皆さんのEメールに自分の漢字を待って下さい。だれも分からないとおもしろいですね (; 愛しっているよ!!

Hisashiburi desuyo ne!!  I miss you lots!  This week has been pretty good.  Well, pretty good と言うか、ふつです。Pretty normal.  Actually really annoying between none of our investigators answering their phones and a misunderstanding with a member... There's been almost no contact with Takahisa Kun and its making me really sad.  I saw Elder Hibino last week and his last words were telling me to take care of our golden person.  But I guess in the end we need to remember that annoying little thing, agency. (; Whether or not a person accepts the message is up to them.  But I'm just so sad because I know how happy it will make him, and I have no idea why he stopped meeting with us because its been over a month seen we've seen him last.  I know he is a very busy college student, so we're not losing hope!  Please keep him in our prayers.

I guess I don't have a whole lot to say this week... This might be a slightly shorter email (:\

So, although we haven't been able to meet with our investigators, we have had quite the experiences with helping members this week.  First we went to visit a member named Brother Sugiyama.  We rang the door bell and his son/business partner poked their heads out of different doors (big house!) and told us he wasn't going to be home until much later because he had a busy day.  Just then, his car pulled up and we were able to help him with quite a few things, fellowship his mother, meet his inactive son who is almost never home, and then share a message to which he was able to respond with a really powerful testimony (which is actually our hope with talking to members, because the more we get them to bear testimony, the more opportunities they have to feel the spirit :) and he told us he felt much much better after having the chance to talk with us.  He'd had an extremely long and stressful day and was driving all over Japan for work/church business.  The miracle in this, is that if we had arrived just a single minute early, we would have missed him and assumed he wouldn't be home until late because of what his son thought.  We happened to be running just a couple minutes late ourselves, and it was a miracle we caught him when we did.

Second miracle is much simpler: at family night this last Friday, a member with heavy depression who hasn't been to church has just decided to start coming again.  He lives almost an hour and a half away on bike and he rides a bike to church on Friday's and Sundays now.  Anyway, he wasn't talking to anyone, but after starting a conversation with him and asking some questions which seemed random at the time, but now I realize were inspired, he expressed a strong desire to go to the temple and to feel happy again.  We've begun working with him to make his wish come true!

So, more along the lines of a simple travel-log, I had my first real Indian Curry with Naan (the HUGE peace of bread you use instead of utensils,) and it was one of my favorite foods of ALL TIME.  I hope I get to eat lots more Indian curry before long (;

I didn't take any other pictures this week, so... well, I took this one of me writing in my journal!  Guess what!? I'm almost finished with my brown journal, and I'm about to start on the super cool turquoise one!!

We talked to our district leader this week and told him about not having any luck contacting our investigators and I asked for his advice.  Without hesitation, he said, "Find."
This week is going to be a lot of finding, so please pray for us (:\

Lastly, I love how you mentioned President Anderson's quote (Obedience brings blessings; exact obedience brings miracles), because this week I've really been focusing on improving Exact Obedience.  Anyway, please pray for me and my companion.  I need your prayers.  Love you lots!!

スタウト長老! ^o^
Elder Stout! :D

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