こんばんは!げんきですか?きょうは いそがしかったですが、たのしかったですよ!!もう一会 なりたさんに いきました。いつくしですよ!!あと二年かん、いきましょう!
So, I'm sure you're very curious about my transfer call, so I'll
just tell you: Elder Kitagaki is going home ): Elder Furniss is transferring to another area, which is so sad!! Elder
Jacobs, though, is staying in Narita with me!! And........ *Drum role*
I have my first American Companion in Japan! I'm a lil'
sad not to be learning from more Nihonjin, but I'm also way excited to see how
different the experience is and to work hard with someone who hasn't spoken
this language their whole life either. His name is Elder Crosby, and he was a
district leader, and he sounds nice over the phone!! Also, my district
leader laughed and got excited for me when he heard that he's my new
comp. So, I'll let you know how this next transfer goes, but I don't get
my new companion until Wednesday. AAAAH!! I'm excited. But
nervous. And super sad to leave Elder Kitagaki.
So, like I said in my first paragraph, Narita San was SO
beautiful!! We got to go again as a group of four. I never thought
I'd say this, but I'm getting used to living in Japan. The magic isn't
being lost at all, but I'm becoming numb to it. However, after we went to
the SUPER busy market (new years is insanely popular here), and then all of the
other gorgeous areas of this massive set of structures and gardens, I'm back in
awe whenever I see something as basic as a Japanese vending machine. (; I love
living in this country.
visiting you guys, and then seeing pictures of all of you was awesome!
She's a super solid sister. She's always been super nice, but I had no
idea she spoke English until we had dinner at their house. Their whole
family is amazing (especially their cat ;) just like everyone in Narita.
Her mom and dad approached me at church yesterday very excited to tell me they
met you! I told dad already, but you need to come visit Narita with me one day,
everyone will be thrilled!
That quote from President Hinkley's dad seriously is the
best. Every missionary needs to hear it. Because, the simple truth
is, every missionary no matter how spiritually prepared or excited gets
discouraged to some degree in the field. But if President Hinkley reached
a point where he wanted to go home at my age, then I don't feel so bad about
having a bad day every once in a while. Thanks for that reminder (:
We got to have Japanese New Year with Eri Shimai from the Narita ward who was visiting Utah! |
This transfer I'm working on "losing myself." I've been looking for ways to improve recently. I was
preparing a lesson on the 10 commandments when the final commandment hit me for
the first time in my life. I've always just thought, "Well duh, I
never do that." But it was the Coveting commandment. I've realized,
that I've gotten super bad at that. I don't ever feel trunky, but I do
have a problem with thinking, "Yeah, after my mission I'm gonna do
that!" or "Wear that!" or "drive that!" Maybe I'm not
a carnal sinner, but sometimes thinking about cool socks and sweaters and
shirts and hair is super distracting for me, especially cuz I'm limited to a
white shirt and tie at all times (; Anyway, I honestly think it's a big enough
distraction for me that I need to repent of it and stop thinking about my image
so much. Nothing wrong with wanting to look nice, we're required to as
missionaries, but Alma 31:37 has really spoken to me recently. (;
time with Elder Kitagaki has been priceless. He's such a hilarious, kind,
devoted, and talented missionary. He cares so much for the people he
interacts with. Its been such an honor, and I've grown so much from
him. I hope to become much more like him. But, following your
mission president's advice, I'll try to embrace and love this next stage of
life (transfer!) (;
This is Sugimoto Shimai's son, Masato Kyoudai. He's so awesome! Talking about missions with him is the best! He's SO funny. |
Elder Stout
For The New Years, a member bought us $30 American steaks. I tried to turn it down by getting a $8 sandwich instead, to which he replied to the waitress, "He wants sandwiches, fries, AND the steak." I said, "That's so expensive!!" and he said, "It's fine. I'm SUPER rich."
adventure with Furniss Chourou for at least a while ): But Melon and Strawberry
banana's are very oishii.
years celebration:
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