Monday, January 2, 2017

Akemashita Omedetou Gozaimasu!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  Yahiko shrine is soooo big. I love big shrines like Narita or Yahiko, they're beautiful!! They still put me into a trance even though I've seen several now. President Nagano commanded us all to go to the shrines today to see the traditions in action, and it was CRAZY busy!! We had such a great time looking at all of the gorgeous architecture, art, and nature scenes. Japan just knows how you're supposed to interact with nature. I'll send a bajillion pictures.

We opted to bike there again, which I thought was an awesome idea because I love super long bike-rides, Elder Stout was the best companion ever and agreed to do it even though he doesn't like bikes quite as much. It was really good because we took lots of beautiful pictures and had a peaceful ride, and really not good because we got pretty soaked on the way home because it rained the whole time! But still a great adventure! ;) 

We also opted to hike Mount Yahiko again because we'd never done it from this side, and because the mountain trail is directly connected to the path from the shrine. That path was completely made of wooden planks and stone stairs and pure rocks carved into a path. It was so cool. 

After that, we met our friend Brother Hosokura and walked along the beach together. I was just reminded again that I HAVE to live by the ocean someday. I love the feeling of watching it, and we caught it at a sunset too. Elder Stout and I were dying, it was so beautiful. JAPAN!!!!

There's the mountain we climbed!! We saw this beach from up there earlier today...

We spent a lot of our New Years with brother Hosokura. We took him out to Sushi on Saturday night and it was a blast! His family is all in the Philippines right now, and he's been terribly lonely for the holidays. We were grateful that he was nice enough to keep us company! :D

This was the best Udon of my life. It was like Bacon and Egg udon,
except it's a New Years special.
Skype calls are easily some of my favorite days on my mission. I love seeing you and talking to you and hearing your voices more than I can explain. Family is the best. And our family is the best of the best. Also, Mama, I want to comment here that you and dad are the best parents ever. You just always treat us like we're the best kids in the world, and that has always made me want to live up to your expectations. Thanks for that. Compared to you, I'm probably a まま宣教師, but I'm certainly trying my best.

I forgot to thank you for all of the presents you gave me!!!! The tree, the stocking, all of the thoughtful quotes, the chocolates and candy canes and hot chocolate were the best. Thank you so much. It really meant so much to me that you put so much thought into it as usual!! I think, possibly my favorite gift was the small Christus. I have it on my desk... well, you know me, I just adore small statues and other things like that, but for any missionary that was perfect. Thank you so much! I love looking at it whenever I'm at my desk.

Without a question, I've felt like The Lord has been more generous to me with showing forth his power over the course of my mission!! or maybe I just notice them more... I don't know. But one thing for sure is that Elder Stout and I see wonders and miracles on a daily basis. This week I saw a very simple one that I just want to reiterate because I always need the reminder myself. On splits with Elder Lylia, we had been working hard, and were about out of time. We had under a half hour. I was feeling really tired and did not want to go on to our next area. I was about ready for dinner, and there are phone calls we could make anyway, I thought. but we felt like there was one good area to go finding. As we approached the houses there, I saw a light on in one apartment and said, "There's our new kinjin!" We knocked on his door, and had an amazing conversation about his belief in diety. It was like Ammon and the king almost, "I don't know if I'd say I do or don't believe in God, but I believe that something created the universe." Us: "That is God!"

Sometimes we reeeeeeeeally don't want to knock the next time. Sometimes we reeeeeally don't want to read our scriptures one night, or pray one night. But all God needs is for us to do our best. Even if we feel insignificant, or like we aren't good enough, if we just TRY he can make up for any of our inadequacies.

Took some selfies with our eikaiwa class while teaching about American culture!! :D
That's Asako shimai in the back left!

HOLY COW!!! I FORGOT TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT!!!! In our last lesson, we talked about New Years goals, and she started talking about her baptism and ways that she can help soften her families hearts. She needs prayers. She's going to be baptized. More to come on that this next week. But things are going great!!!!!!
Aw man, I can't believe I forgot to mention that...

All of our investigators are doing well, except we haven't seen a whole lot of progress, because everyone has been too busy to meet this weekend. Mark's in Tokyo, Bu is visiting friends, Toshiki's brother is visiting.... but they're all doing great still :)

WAIT! We told you about the Miracle man Masaki, right? The man who, during our practice lesson (mogi lesson) with the Kumagai's randomly walked in and we taught him the plan of salvation? Well, he had to go to the hospital with his mother for her check up, but he came to the church right afterward and set up our next appointment. He is kinjin.

We went back to see Brother and Sister Maeda. They gave us lots of hot chocolate and were thrilled to hear that they knew my grandpa. Brother Maeda showed me these old Books of Mormon and lots of other things from back in the day for a long time. He was really talkative this time around! We were happy to listen, it was SO fascinating! Do you remember giving these to people?? They're Morumon Kei. 

If I need anything, I'll let you know :) WAIT!!!!! ON THE TOPIC OF FAVORITE PRESENTS, I CAN'T EVEN HANDLE HOW MUCH I LOVE THE SOCKS THAT YOU GAVE ME. THEY ARE SERIOUSLY A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE. Like, I have worn them basically 24/7 since you gave them to me because they look professional and are unimaginably soft and fluffy and comfy on the inside. Have I ever told you that my favorite article of clothing is socks? Because it is.

I love you so much, and I love the family so much!!! Write you next week, thanks for being the best mom ever :D :D :D

   Elder Stout :D
          🇺🇸  •  🇯🇵
スタウト長老 ^o^

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