Monday, January 16, 2017

6 more weeks together in Sanjo!

  Things continue to move crazy fast and be crazy fun! Alas, today was transfer calls. But Elder Stout and I knew exactly what was coming....... 

*insert old-fashion-wavy-blurry-transition-into-a-memory effect here*

We had interviews with President and Sister Nagano on this last Friday! Every time without fail, our interviews are the highlight of my week, at least. Sister Nagano sat me down and just asked all about Elder T. Stout and I, how things were going, how our health is, and all that good stuff. Also, she showed me her Christmas present from President Nagano... Haha, we chatted lots! She is one of the funniest people of all time.
Then President Nagano came in, and Elder T. Stout looked really happy, so I think it went way well! As always, I was a little nervous that he would either:

1) Need to call me to repentance
2) Tell me I'm not working hard enough
3) Do some other mean scary thing which he would actually never do and I need to stop worrying so much.

In his office, President sat me down and smiled with a wide grin, "Elder Stout, The Lord is kind."
He said he was very impressed and happy with how Elder Stout and I are working together, with the ward, and with our investigators. He paid specific attention to all of their progress, and also, "I'd like you two to finish your first '12 weeks' together (the standard training program for missionaries,) and seeing as you're only 9 weeks in, I guess you'll have to do a few extra weeks! We're praying for Asako. You might want to tell her that if she doesn't get baptized in the next 6 weeks however, you or your cousin won't be able to attend. I would really like to see you two attend her baptism, as well as Toshiki's, Yui's, and Bu's.  I know that you love them all very much. They all sound like they're doing well. The Lord is kind!
  "I've learned a lot this transfer. The two of you have the strongest companionship I have ever seen before. You know what that tells me? A companionship relationship is crucial to this work.
  "I can't promise anything, but I think you may be in Sanjo for some time. Like Ammon, perhaps until the day that you 'die.' " He winked!

I may have found my final area. Sanjo is certainly one of my favorite places in the world. I love this ward and have become really close with all of them. Our other friends are also people I hope to stay in contact my whole life, I'm so grateful for this wonderful experience!  Sanjo, what a special place! :)
While I still don't know what the Lord has in store, Elder Stout and I are thrilled to be together for another 6 weeks (probably the last,) and we're going to work and focus harder than ever before, you can count on it!!

Lunch with Ren!! He moved up to Niigata, but before he went, we had a way good time at an all you can eat place called "World Buffet."

First morning of snow!! Elder Stout was pretty sick this day, so luckily we weren't caught in the first storm of the year. We have been caught in several since ;) Those amazing boots you gave me are being put to good use!

Pretty snow near our house.
The snow in Sanjo at the bike parking for the train station.
Katsu Curry Ramen with Brother Tsuchida. It was wild. I couldn't finish it, but it was really good.
The Sanjoites are doing well!! Asako Shimai was really worried that one of us was going to leave. We haven't told her I'm staying yet, but we're excited to! I think it'll be good motivation for her to work hard at reading and praying and all the other simple things. OH! Actually, she just called. We'll call her back.

Brother Tsuchida is not a fan of selfies.... 

But Asako Shimai is!    

Toshiki and Yui were a little hard to meet with last week, but we're gonna have a big old family night with them tomorrow!! We're way excited. They were hoping to potentially get married this month or next, so we're going to talk about that. I'm really sorry we don't have much else to report...
Mark's back from Tokyo!! We're meeting with him too! He would have come to church yesterday except the snow was INSANE. It snowed a meter here. Like, 3 feet. Almost over night (over the course of two days.) It snows as I write....
Bu is doing fantastic, we actually told President Nagano about a Myanmar family friend that the Stout's knew when they lived in Japan, and turns out he knows him too!! And he's going to start helping us out with our lessons!!!! Miracles in Sanjo!!!!

 I love you! I miss you so much!


    Elder Stout :D
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