Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Working with the youth, the future of the church

Desho?!  TIME IS FLYING!  This transfer particularly is going soooo fast.  The last 5 days have been like a rocket.  I mean weeks.  I literally just wrote days and meant to write weeks.  That was a bonafide... what do you call it, Freudian slip...?

Anyway, every week I've been in Japan has been accelerating and getting faster.  But so much continues to happen.  This week there were a few disappointments, but nothing beats the good!

So.  Fuji disappeared.

Dang it.

We've called and called and texted and texted and his phone seems very much dead.  He must've either gotten a new number or just hasn't been using it for a week, but he also got a new job on the day we last met him, so we know he's probably really busy.  But we're really bummed that he just disappeared.  Elder Morris and I were on splits yesterday and we prayed to be able to find him like 6 times and road all over.  We met a lot of really nice people out in the rain, but no sign of Fuji yet.  A little frustrated, especially because of how good he was doing.  Please pray for him.  You and dada, and anyone else who's reading this email!

Relationships with the youth have been getting soooo good!  Elder Goldsberry (a missionary in our zone,) gave an excellent training in a meeting on working with young ward members, and we've been applying it.  One thing in particular is just actually being their friends like we were back home with our quorums.  It's easy to fall into the trap of being a smily missionary who asks 「元気ですか?最近どうですか?部活楽しいですか?OK、じゃまたね〜。」("Hey, how are you?  How's life been?  Having fun at school?  I'm glad.  Ok, see you later!") We've just realized that that's your natural instinct, but it's so unnatural. We've been avoiding saying generic things, and have tried a little more joking, playing around, friendly shoving— suddenly the youth are actually starting to like us!!  We're gonna go get sushi this week with 3 of them!

Just for the record, working with the youth is becoming critical in Japan.  The church is struggling in a few areas here, and helping these young saints find joy in the kingdom of God has become a really big focus of our mission.  They are the future of the church.  Honestly, it's one of my favorite kinds of missionary work because it's literally just making cool new friends and having fun together so that they can see the good in the gospel and realize why they would want to serve missions themselves.

President Dorff's son Ren has become a particularly good friend of mine, I've started calling him my "Japanese brother." He's way funny and I could see us hanging out in high school!  The other two are Yu kun and Neito kun.  They're brothers and they’re SO funny!  I love them so much.  We have lots of fun together at events and church and stuff.  I always tease Neito: he's just 15 and we had a lesson on dating in Sunday school, so we made sure to give him a hard time ;) Another kid's name is Tomoru-- he loves Harry Potter and always wears the same Gryffindor tie to church.  He is SO funny.  Reminds me of Max Liechty.  Lastly but not leastly is Ryou kun.  He's way cool like Chris Stoddard.  Just the cool cat figure, but him and Ren seem to get on really well, so we're all buds.  Anyway, they are becoming like my own Quorum; it's been great!!

This pic is visiting Yu and Neito at their house with their
AMAZING mother and adorable lil' sister Rara Chan.

We had a matsuri indoors which was so fun!  Spent the whole time talking to TONS of members cuz this ward is huge, but I haven't taken many pictures recently.  Sorry, I need to repent and get better at that!  This week was a lot more just like, raw information than fun stories, I'm sorry about that.  I'll be better next week....

I'm jealous you got to hang out with Mark! I'm praying that he'll go to Idaho too!!!  That would seriously be the best EVER to have 'em so close.  Oh, that's so exciting that Carson's married now!! He's another hero of mine.  I know for a fact that I know his wife, I just forgot like, what classes we had together and such... oops. :P

I'm sorry to hear about Uncle John.  (Shauna’s Uncle John, who also served his mission in Japan, passed away last week.)  Is everyone doing ok?  I hope Grandma and Grandpa are doing well.  It's been raining lots here, maybe Japan is crying for them.

Can't wait to hear more from you and I'll be sure to write next week!  Love you all!!

Elder Stout :D
スタウト長老 ^o^

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