Monday, August 22, 2016

Three splits and a Zone Conference

 Wow.  This is the second school year I won't be a part of.  That just . . . after 13 years, it just doesn't feel right!  I can't believe Lucy Jo is in public school and I'm not!  I'm too old.  I will for sure send her a video.  It's a wonder to me how shy those girls are with strangers compared to how crazy they are with us!

Saitama Zone Conference
This week was just as crazy as the last!  We had three splits and a Zone Conference.  Fire with Elder Tamura!

We ate sukemen ramen.  He's such a good missionary.  He was baptized about 3 years ago and has such a strong desire to share the gospel with everyone he meets.  We had a lot of fun and learned lots from each other! :) 

Then Elder Hugo and I got to go on splits, and at our basketball activity a member brought his oboe so THAT was super awesome!!!  I love the oboe, but Elder Hugo can actually play it, it was awesome!  Anyway, I learned how to play a C Major scale (I'll send a video later ;) It was great.

BROTHER Fuji is doing SO good!  While he hasn't been baptized yet, he likes it when we call him brother.  So, here's the miracle story.  On splits with Elder Tamura, we had a lesson with Fuji kyoudai (that's "brother" in Japanese, johnbytheway,) and we taught him about baptism.  Several weeks ago he was a bit frightened by baptism and said, "I don't want to join the church, so I can't meet anymore!" So Elder Frazier and his last companion asked to meet with him and said that even if he doesn't want to be baptized we still want to meet with him, so it was ok.  But after talking about all of the blessings that come with this ordinance in our lesson this week, we asked a very broad and scary question: "So, how are you feeling about baptism?"
After a few, seemingly long, seconds, he said, "受けたいと思います!" or, in English, "I want to be baptized."
We talked about how setting a date always helps us keep a goal to work toward and shows our faith to God, proving we are willing to work if he helps us.  In response, Fuji said the Japanese equivalent of this: "Well... I might be a bit busy then... I guess if we do it in the evening........... how does tomorrow work?"
The spirit was so strong and our hearts are full!!  Of course we explained that we'll need to talk to the bishop and finish all of the foundational lessons of the gospel so he understands everything about being baptized.  However, he is so kinjin (golden person... like, ready.) What it came down to was us befriending him and caring more about him and his needs than anything else.  He felt our love and realized that we want the best for him and as he's been taking the small steps, he's realized that this is the life he wants to live.

I just want to say here, to everyone reading this email that is not a full time missionary, you can do the most effective kind of dendo (missionary work,) as just a normal person. Just love your friends and sincerely care about them.  When they feel that, their hearts will be softened, they'll let in the spirit, and they will feel God's love for them!  Share the gospel with your example :)

So, that was amazing.  It was huge!!  In other news, I went on splits with the assistants to the mission president!  The assistant with whom I spent the day was Elder Munro!  You prolly don't remember him, but he was my zone leader in the MTC and had a big impact on me there.  I was struggling with whether or not to switch to fast track and go to Japan early but he really helped me out by pulling me aside to talk.  The split was super special, but I'm out of time so I'll write about it next week if you remind me :)

Mama, dada, I love you so much!!  Ok, Sorry, we just had a less active family surprise show up at the church with a friend who wanted to hear about the gospel, so I just took a 2 1/2 hour break between this paragraph and the last.  Needless to say, we don't have time to finish emails today.  But before we know it we'll be able to meet up any day of the week, so today's email time was a worthwhile sacrifice I think. :) Sorry though...
(More pics next week!!  Gotta dash!  Love you!!!!)

スタウト長老 ^o^

Elder Stout! :D

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