Monday, August 1, 2016

Transfer to Urawa with Elder Frazier as Zone Leaders

Grandma Shaffer's party sounded like such a hit!  The story about her watching my video made me laugh!  She's the cutest!!  I'm so sad I missed her 100th birthday, I've been looking forward to this one my whole life.  But--I'm aware this is the cliche thing to say--I know that this is where I'm meant to be right now.  I'm not just saying that; being with Elder Taylor right now, meeting Tsukagoshi and Xia, brother Hamada and Bishop Touma, there are so many people that I needed to meet at this time in my life.  I wouldn't rather be anywhere else, no matter how much I would love to be with all of you.  The day for us to be together is coming all too fast! Let's make the most of right now.  "We haven't a moment to lose!" :)

I hope I don't miss Grandma by a short time, but if I do, I know that that's God's way of saying she's needed on the other side.  I love my Grandma Shaffer!!!

Today was transfer calls.  After interviews with President Nagano, I thought maybe I had figured out my transfer, but I couldn't be sure. President had made it pretty clear in our interviews that training is a very important role and that he "actually trained twice and really loved it."  He also said that district leaders and zone leaders are important, but that training is more important.  SO, I think you know where I'm going with this ;)  When the phone rang, Elder Taylor and I both jumped a foot in the air before scrambling to pick it up.  It was President Nagano.  Something big is happening.  He said, "This call is for Elder Stout.  Hello, Elder Stout?  Are you ready for your transfer?" "I'm ready!  Ready as I'll ever be."
"Elder Stout, you are going to Urawa, your new companion will be Elder Frazier, and you're going to be a zone leader!"

I am still in complete shock.  All 3 of these announcements were completely unexpected and I don't feel capable of the calling the Lord has asked of me.  But I know he will qualify me for this work, because he did when I became a trainer (even though I was so unsure of my capability at the time, somehow Elder Taylor and I did ok.)  I'm so excited to start a new chapter of my mission and my life, and especially with someone I look up to so much as Elder Frazier!  He was in the Shibuya Flat with me for 3 transfers and all of us think so highly of him.  In fact, yesterday before the calls, Elder Gonzales had said, "You know, I really respect Elder Frazier.  He's just so firm and bold and yet just the nicest guy." Elder Taylor's new companion is Elder DiCastri, my old zone leader in Narita!  He's a phenomenal missionary and this area is going to take off with the two of them working hard together!  Elder Taylor has made a massive impact on my life and I owe so many lessons learned to him. I've been honored to be his companion, and am so glad that we've become such good friends.  I'm really gonna look forward to seeing him whenever our roads diverge throughout our missions, and know we're gonna hang out again after these best two years!  I'm so blessed.  I'm excited to have the opportunity to work with so many amazing Elders and Sisters.  As Elder Clark once said, "This calling is nothing more than an opportunity to serve."  I'm so excited to serve so many people.  That's my favorite thing in missionary work and really in life: serving others and making friends!

Speaking of friends, this week we had an amazing lesson with Tsukagoshi and he came to several activities!  We gave him a picture Book of Mormon and he's been reading it daily! :D Xia and his friend Zen met us for pizza and afterward we had an awesome lesson that Ikeda and Koji both came to.  For the most part our other investigators have been hard to contact, and I'm sad to say I won't see most of them before I leave.  However, on splits, Elder Ulrich and I road down to Tanaka's house and he said he wanted to have dinner with me before I left.  We had an awesome lesson with him on the atonement and he seemed to really open up again.  I love that man.

Saying goodbye to all of my Shibuya friends has been so sad the past few days.  I never imagined what it would be like when it came to an end, but just like Narita... somehow it did.  I can't wait for Urawa and my adventures with Elder Frazier!!

Seeing pictures of our family just makes me so happy :D I love all of you so much!

スタウト長老! ^o^

Elder Stout! :D

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