Monday, May 30, 2016

The Work is About to Take Off

Hello!  How are you?

I’ve been really tired lately.  The work’s been rough.  The area book was pretty full at the beginning of the transfer, and we’ve dropped quite a few people.  We’re doing our best.

Elder Taylor is the best.  I got way lucky.  I got the best trainee in the mission.  We’re doing really well.  He’s an awesome missionary.  The beginning of every transfer is kind of weird no matter who your companion is.  It’s really weird getting adjusted to it.  After two transfers with Elder Li, I feel like as a person and as a missionary I’m way different.  I’m a lot more like him.  I was a lot slower at the beginning of those two transfers, and now I feel like l’m a lot faster paced.  I should probably actually slow down a little bit maybe.  J  And Elder Li is one of my best friends now.

Me and Elder Taylor.  We’re over the phase of getting used to each other and now we’re on the phase where we can actually start having heart-to-hearts.  So it’s good.  He’s a way killer missionary.  He’s way solid.  He knows exactly what he’s doing, exactly why he’s on a mission.  He really contributes to all of our companion study and companion planning sessions.  And I’m really grateful for him.  I have a feeling that by the end of our two transfers together, we are going to be really good friends.  Right now we’re still just developing that relationship.  But he’s an awesome missionary, so solid. 

We’ve been working with the ward more.  We’ve set up a lot of appointments to meet with them and practice teaching the first lesson, to build trust with them.  It’s very needed, because I need to practice my Japanese so much.  It’s scary.  I’m not ready to train.  But everyone has faith in me, especially Elder Taylor, because he doesn’t understand the Japanese that I do speak. 

About you talking to Sister Whitmer, shout out to Sister Whitmer!  How are you?  I love Sister Whitmer.  I love the Whitmer family.  Brother Whitmer is one of my heroes.  And Josh obviously is one of my best friends.  I love being in the same country as so many of my friends.  After our missions, it’s going to be awesome.  We’re all going to speak the same language.  I’m stoked for that!

Austin, Lydia, Brooke, and Sammie!  I’m so excited for all of you!  It’s so weird being graduated!  Austin, you’re headed on a mission, and you’re going to kill it!  You’re going to be a killer missionary.  And everyone else, you’re going to be ahead of me in school in like three months, so that’s weird!  But it’s awesome!

Lately times haven’t been the easiest, but I’m doing well.  I’m loving my mission more and more everyday, even though it’s gotten a little harder everyday.  But I think that’s going to turn around soon.  Elder Taylor and I have a bit list of people we’re going to visit this week.  We’ve contacted a lot of them.  The unity with the ward is already getting a lot better, and I think the work is about to take off.  Mark my words, it’s about to take off. 

One more month and I have been in Japan for a whole year.  Can you belive that?  I still feel like I just got out of the MTC!  It’s crazy how fast time goes.

I love all of you so much!  And I miss you!  But I’m where I’m supposed to be and I know that.  I love you!  Bye bye!

スタウト長老! ^o^

Elder Stout! :D

One of Japan's prettiest places are its graveyards!  They're so cool!

My companion is afraid to show his face when wearing a helmet
 cuz he thinks he looks dumb while being safe ;)

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