Monday, May 23, 2016

Serving with a first transfer missionary

Sorry, it's been a bit of a crazy day, and I'm struggling to remember all that happened this last week...

YES.  Earthquakes.  I am terrified of them.  Everyone makes fun of me, but during that one, the house was shaking pretty hard for like 20 seconds and I thought it was the end of the world.  I almost hid under a table, but wasn't able to move because I was petrified with fear.  I told my Eikaiwa class the story of Mr. Marrott and how he told me that I was going to die in a massive earthquake in Utah and he made me cry for like a week.  They all laughed really hard. ;)

Elder Taylor is such a hard worker!  He's such a sweet elder and has the CRAZIEST stories.  He's 22, and... wow he has crazy stories.   For example, he was once a signature away from signing his future away to Disney as a cast member for a Disney Channel short, he even met the cast of Zach and Cody AND did the, "My name is Ammon Taylor, and you're watching Disney Channel" thing and signed Mickey Mouse in the air!  He's also super good at piano and can play mostly anything by ear.  He's got a really intensely spiritual story leading to why he's on a mission, so, I guess all I can ask is that you pray that I will be able to help him become the missionary he is meant to be.  Or at least that I won't be a roadblock in the process ;)

Elder Taylor was really scared our first few days tracting, but we talked about not missing a single person, and so as a man came forward on his bike, we gave each other the look, and he yelled, "Sumimasen!"
The man passed, wheeled around, stopped, and set up an appointment with us!  YEAH!!!

My language abilities are still far below where I would like them to be.  I do not consider myself fluent, but I am able to speak to anyone I need to about anything I need to, so that's progress.
Our focuses right now are few:
1) Actually meet with every person who sets an appointment with us.
2) Have a member at every lesson if possible.

What is your advice on finding yourself and being yourself but not focusing inward, but not being like, a robot?  Being with a first transfer missionary . . . He picks up all of my quirks, sayings, and mistakes, and I never know how to act around him.  I want to be myself, but with so much pressure to be a "by the books" missionary, I've forgotten how to be myself.  I really hope I don't come home super awkward.

I love you so much!  :) Take care and be safe!  

スタウト長老! ^o^
Elder Stout! :D

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