Monday, March 28, 2016

Tsukagoshi San

Well, As for Daichi, he came to church for the first time this week!!!! :D He loved it and at the end was kind of in shock.  I asked him how his first time at church was and he looked at me and said, "Everyone... they really believe it.  They know it." His faith was strengthened so much simply by the members faith.  It was a good reminder that even when we least expect it, we're always representing The Lord.

Shingo: no contact.  His job is insane and he's going to work as well!  

As for Tsukagoshi San.......
Elder Li and I prayed about it and decided to go back to the park where we met him every day at the time when our lesson was planned.  When he wasn't there the second day, we went back to the place where we met him and looked around.  Remembering that he told us his family owned a glass shop, we stopped at the first one we saw and checked the phone number out front: IT WAS HIS. 
The night before we had tried calling that phone number, but when we asked for, "Tsukagoshi San" some family member on the phone replied, "There are lots of Tsukagoshis!" And hung up thinking we were salesman or something.  (It is somewhat common for family's to stick together in Japan throughout their whole lives if they don't get married.) We were discouraged.  This sort of thing is pretty common when people realize that we're Christian, but this time we KNEW that their relative had interest!!  We had resolved to knock on the door that next day and if they answered, face them so that we could continue to teach him.  Elder Li felt very strongly impressed to go at exactly 4 o'clock.  Boldly we went, not knowing how things would turn out at the confrontation.  Both of us were actually terrified.  Not that Japanese people are allowed to have guns or anything, but knocking on someone's door after rejection is generally terrifying.
 We arrived just a few minutes early and saw the home from across the street.  A small figure sat on the front porch. . .  He saw us coming and waved, a Book of Mormon in that hand!  It was him.  It was such a miracle.  He was beaming from ear to ear as we approached and immediately stood up following us to the nearest park to talk taking a break from his chores at the glass shop.  He told us his first name: the family name is Tsukagoshi, that's why we couldn't find him!!  He's been so happy to see us every day since!  He came to church today again and our lessons have resumed as normal.
We originally lost him because he was super tired from work and forgot about our appointment, but he was so excited to find us again.

This is one of my favorite pictures of all time, right after church!

I want to bear my Testimony of the divinity and truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.  I know that my savior lives because of it.  It is not my religion, but it is the keystone of my beliefs.  Like a compass it has guided me to truth.  Nephi said it best when referring to the scriptures:
"...hearken unto these words and believe in Christ; and if ye believe not in these words believe in Christ. And if ye shall believe in Christ ye will believe in these words, for they are the words of Christ, and he hath given them unto me; and they teach all men that they should do good.  And if they are not the words of Christ, judge ye--for Christ will show unto you, with power and great glory, that they are his words, at the last day."
(2 Nephi 33: 10-11)
The Savior Jesus Christ was born.  He lived.  He died.  He was resurrected, and he lives again and forever!  If you are struggling with anything, turn to him.  You'll find peace.  
Now, the moment you've all been waiting for.  It's the first week of another transfer, and as such today was............ TRANSFER CALLS.
  "Elder Li?  Elder Stout?  You there?" asked our Zone Leader Elder Solomon.  "Yep, we're here!"
"...... you're staying together in Shibuya another transfer!!!!!!!" WAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!  I'm so stoked!!!!!!!  Elder Li wanted to stay and see Daichi and Tsugoshi San to the end of their baptisms so badly, and The Lord heard his prayer.  And mine, because I wanted him to stay too.  We've become so tight!  I think he's my closest companion so far.   We've seen so many miracles together, too.

I miss you all so much, and if I was doing anything other than The Lord's work it wouldn't be worth it.  But, you and I both know how worth it it is. 

スタウトL! ^o^
Elder Stout! :D

Shoutout to Grandpa Austin.  Do you know what this statue is?  HACHIKO MAE!  Your favorite dog movie!!!  That's the closest eki (train station) to our church actually!  Cool huh?!

This is my eikaiwa (English) class!  Some of my favorite people in the whole world right here.

Shibuya district last transfer.  We were pretty intense!  

Elder Li and I learned how to make Karaage from the Sato family, and we've gotten really good at it!  Pretty sure I've already gained weight from only knowing this recipe for a week.  Also, we've been making our own Gyouza too!!  Mama, you should be so proud of me, because I'm becoming a real chef :D

This is my Birthday dinner!!  Some marshmellow and strawberry toast (courtesy of a member,) some homemade gyouza and Karaage... only a little burnt (; But we even made half of those gyouza shells by ourselves!  It's just water and flour, pretty easy.

Also, look! I made crepes for the 27th of March.  Happy birthday to me.  Nailed it.

Cherry Blossoms!

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