Monday, March 14, 2016

Elder Li and I are a Fiery Strong Companionship

So, I have almost no time at all.  I'm really sorry, this email is going to be super lame.  I can't send any pictures because I'm emailing from a 7-11.  Long story short, the rain has been insane this week (as you'll see in a video I'll send you next week,) and we can't get to the church the rest of the day where the wifi is strong enough to send videos and pictures.  

Anyway, because of the rain and other hold-ups I have less email time than usual, which is already so "sukunai" (little). Basically, next week I promise to block out a full hour and a half and not let anything change it so that I can send you and dad and all my siblings real letters.

On the topic, shout out to Megan and Rachel and Dad for their emails!  I love you three so much and I've been looking forward to responding to you all week but just ran out of time fast today.  Sorry!!

I have 5 minutes to write, so here are the random topics in my planner that I thought up throughout the week (:

1. The Jensen's sent me a letter in December and it seriously made my week.  Apparently Emma has been writing in her journal that I made with her and the rest of my class for sacrament meeting and hearing that really made my day.  I just want her and her brother to know that I care about them and that their letter meant so much!  Also, good luck Adam on getting drum major!!!!  You'll do great!  Tryouts will be an awesome experience no matter what happens, but I'm voting for you!

2. I probably need real tooth paste and deodorant before summer if you can afford to send such a package.  If not, it's fine.  But the Japanese are kind of like the French when it comes to deodorant...

3. I LOVE PICTURES FROM YOU!  Thank you so much for all the thoughtful and fun emails, I love them.

4. I've started waking up a half hour early and studying kindergarten kanji and I'm learning SO MUCH.  I love it!  I can't wait to be able to read this language!!

This week at long last I can report that Elder Li and I are nothing but a firey strong companionship!  We have tons of fun together, we love each other, and we're beginning to understand one another.  As always, however, we're both working as hard as we can.  Not much progress with our investigators, but we're doing our best and The Lord is consecrating our efforts.

Chelsey, I hope you're doing well!  That sounds so tough.  I love you sis!
And that goes for everyone, the week sounds like it's been pretty tough.  On the bright side, we all have each other, and at the end of the day, that's all that matters.  On my hardest days, just imagining all of your faces fills me with hope and makes me truly happy.  We're the most blessed family in the world.

I'll send a better letter next week!  I'm sorry!!

I love you so much!

スタウト長老! ^o^
Elder Stout! :D

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