Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tsukagoshi San, someone I will never forget

Today is Temple P-Day, so I'm emailing a day late!  Last week too, I had to send my emails from the apartment and they didn't actually send until we had wifi the next day, that's why you didn't get them for so long!  But I hope not to have issues with that again in the future (;

Last transfer I went to the temple on the very first PDay, and this transfer I'm going on my second to last, so I haven't been in several months.  Going again today was an amazing blessing.  I was promised once in a blessing that I would come to love the temple, and that day has come.  It is one of the biggest highlights of every month; visiting the house of The Lord.  I felt so much peace there, and believe me when I say it was needed!  Life in Shibuya can get stressful for someone who's slow-paced like me ;)

Hahaha!  Yeah, Nagano Shimai... so we're just sitting in the apartment panting because Elder Li and I had just crashed in the door after a late lesson, we were just starting to plan when suddenly the phone goes off: "Elder Li, hello!  This is Sister Nagano.  I'm coming to your apartment.  Goodbye." His face dropped instantly from a smile to a look of horror. The entire apartment of 8 Elders erupted when he repeated the brief message: "There's NO WAY!  It's too late, she's not coming now!  Maybe tomorrow, not NOW!" "But what if she DOES come now?!  Come here Elder ___, we're cleaning the kitchen!" "Everyone CALM DOWN!" "YOU calm down and start vacuuming!!" and then a knock at the door.  In the video she took from outside on our front step, there's an audible, "Oh SHOOT.  That's not the door is it?"
When Sister Nagano's voice echoed, "Hello!" down the hallway, Elder Morris literally fell out of his chair with a loud 200 lb crash, and him and Elder Li began shoving everything they could grab into a nearby backpack to make the desks look cleaner.
Needless to say the visit was VERY needed, and the Shibuya apartment is looking MUCH better.  ;)

Some fun facts about this apartment: 1) It's in the busiest city in the world 2) It's the only 8-man apartment in Tokyo mission (maybe any mission for that matter,) 3) It's the most expensive missionary apartment in the world. 4) We have a bath tub that we use nightly.

So, by way of investigators, it's been an interesting transfer.  We've found more people than I've ever found before, but many of them just disappeared after the first lesson.  Teaching has been so much fun though.  We have some of the most interesting/fun people in this area. I've mentioned Daichi, he's the nicest guy on the entire planet and he's SO cool.  "Nice guy, cool guy." Recently, he's experienced a little bit of opposition to the church by way of friends and such who are of a different faith and don't want him to change.  They are good people, but please pray for their hearts to be softened, because he loves the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Shingo is a very funny man!  He wants to be a farmer in Japan and is going to school and work almost 24/7, so we usually only teach him over the phone except when he can make it to church.  He truly doesn't have time for a lot of lessons, but he's so prepared and has an amazing desire to follow The Lord.  Please pray that he'll be able to find time, or that time will make itself available to him!

This week I met someone who I will never forget. Elder Li and I were tracting hard.  "The grind baby." ;) We'd been talking to every person we saw with no apparent success for several hours when he said, "We gotta go this way." gesturing to the left, a street we never walk down.  We follow the prompting and the FIRST person we talked to, a man wearing 2 beanies to keep his ears warm:
"Hello!  We're missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!  We're originally Americans, but because of Jesus Christ and His teachings, our lives have been changed and we've become happy.  As missionaries we teach about Jesus Christ, would you like to learn?"
"O--oh!  Maybe not now, but another time, we could meet up and talk..."
"Now is fine!"
"Alright!  Should we talk right here?"
"There's a park over there, follow me."
Tsukagoshi San walked us to a nearby park where we sat down and talked about Heavenly Father and how we can communicate with him through prayer.  Our new friend loved the lesson and tried praying twice with us right there.  Afterward we gave him a Book of Mormon and he was delighted to start reading.  We asked for a phone number and then set an appointment for the next day at the same time meeting at the eki (train station,) so that we could go do a church tour.  He smiled and waved us off as we road away.
The next day, we arrived at the Eki.  My watch read 1:55.  "No sign of him... Maybe he forgot."
1:58... 1:59.... 2:00, and there he was!  A smiling face under a head of long messy hair (he looked completely different without the beanies on,) Exactly on time.  This time, we toured the church.  We watched a video together and talked about who Jesus Christ really is and how the gospel can bless our families.  He was very quiet, but smiled and contributed with really good answers when we asked.  At the end of this lesson, we invited him to join us at a baptism being held at the Hiroo English ward that night.  We showed him the spot and said, "Right there at 6:45?" and he nodded yes.

Wading through crowds of people that evening, the baptism beginning in only a short time, we looked all over for him.  "Do you think he forgot?" I asked Elder Li, checking my watch-- 6:44.  Then a hand waving at us caught our eyes.  There he was!  Exactly on time!  The baptism, although all in English, was very touching for him.  He told us he strongly desired to be baptized too.

The next day at the park, exactly on time, we met him again.  This time there had been some rain, but we found a big wooded Japanese bench designed for stretching your back, with a long arching support, that was mostly dry.  So following Tsukagoshi san's example we stepped up onto the seat of the bench and sat down on it's rounded back.  That lesson on the restoration was a little hard for him to understand, but he did he best and promised to see us at church the next day.  In fact, he was so eager that he arrived an hour early and instead of attending the ward mission meeting (in Japan it's called DCS,) we taught him a lesson with one of the temple missionaries.  Tsukagoshi San attended all 4 hours and the shokujikai (lunch,) afterword.  We said we'd see him at the church the next day at 1 o'clock, and he walked away beaming.

The next day, we were at the church on time, but he wasn't there.  When my watch read 1:15, he still wans't there.  We were worried, so we biked all the way down to the park just in case, but he wasn't there.  He never arrived at the church, and we can't contact him through the phone.

We don't know what happened to Tsukagoshi San, but please pray that we will find him.  I know he desires to follow God, and he's already brightened my life so much.  I have hope that we'll see him at church, but please keep him in your prayers!

OH MY GOSH!!!  TELL AUSTIN CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!  I'm so excited for him!!  It's going to change his life.  He's going to be such an amazing missionary, I know he's already a super hard worker.  If I could give him advice it would be this: Read Preach My Gospel all the way through before you go, just a little each day.  And then give yourself to The Lord.  Don't hold anything back.  I love you Austin!

I miss Narita SOOO much!!  Those ward members are my family now, and I look forward to the day that I can see them again.  But GUESS WHAT!?  The other day I got a package in the mail from one of my old ward members.  It was full of fresh fruits: grapes, apples, kiwis... that kinds of stuff is really expensive here, but it was SO good.  I just love them so much.  The ward members here are amazing too, but there are a lot more, and they're all really busy, so getting to know them is a bit tougher.  However, I'll let you know :)

Hey, I'm sorry for forgetting so many people's birthdays!!!  Rachel (I know it was a while ago...) Mark (I didn't forget either of yours, I just forgot to write,) ... I'm the worst.  I know it.  If you or someone else could send me a list of birthdays, I'll be better at that ;) BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EVERYONE I ACCIDENTALLY FORGOT TO EMAIL!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!

Alright, that about wraps up this email.  I love all of you, whoever else is reading this email. I'm doing well!!  Hope you love the videos and the photos, cuz they've been 2 weeks coming ;)

My favorite one's are the Shuji Kyoudai ones.  Shuji is the funniest man on the planet.  Enjoy.

スタウト長老! ^o^

Elder Stout! :D

Playing yakyu (baseball)

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