Monday, October 26, 2015

"The Lord Will Have a Humble People"

Recently, I have had some pretty rough days, but by P-Day I'm always just so pumped to email you and the family that I get too excited to tell you that I've had a bad day.  Honestly, I think it’s secretly been a blessing.  I've struggled in the past with really relying on The Lord, because, while I've always been a pretty lazy person, recently I've realized that my personality is a lot more diligent than I ever thought it was.  When I really need to get something done, I get it done.  And that's kind of been a roadblock in my personal growth, where instead of relying on The Lord I just beat myself against the wall of trials.  But, like that quote you sent me a while ago that I loved, "The Lord will have a humble people." I've learned to rely on The Lord.  My personal prayers, my appreciation and sensitivity to the spirit, my love for the scriptures and words of the prophets, my language, my ability to speak to others (those two are different ;) and just everything is getting better.  But I have had really hard days.  I can honestly say I've loved every day of my mission--I want to end it being able to say that-- but some days have been a lot more fun than others.

In the last few days I'm really learning how much I love to meet people and talk to them and try to affect their lives for the better through little conversations even if we can hardly communicate or even if they don't want to talk about religion.  I hope I'm making a difference.  I love those times, and I LOVE Eikaiwa (English class), and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the ward members and church and baptisms!! (Which Narita sees tons of :D We had another one this week which was amazing!)  But then sometimes, even though I'm getting a lot better, the language barrier is infuriating.  I want to be like Carson when I get back: when I can think in Japanese, it's going to be Nihongo Dake (only Japanese).  Anyway, sometimes I just think about how you said that my last year will be the most amazing time of my life so far, because sometimes it’s not the most amazing time of my life so far ;)

AH!  I love Carson!!  Tell him he's seriously my hero.  It sounds like he was just an amazing missionary.  I hope that I can be half of who I believe he was.    

I love Japan.  It really feels like home in a funny way.  It’s so different though.  But these people, for the most part, are so sweet and kind.  I don't like the businessmen who are mean though... |: But everyone else is the best ;) Just kiddin, I love everyone.  But some people make it hard to talk to them!  Anyway, I've decided after all of the hundreds and hundreds of people I've seen on trains just staring at their phones for hours, that after my mission I'm just going to talk to people on public transportation unless I'm doing work on a lap top.  There's no point to reading endless facts on the Internet that you'll forget tomorrow if you have so many people around you to talk to!  Anyway, I love phones, but I'm starting to hate the overuse of technology more and more every day.  I wish people would just put their phones away.

Anyway, I love you so much!!  To quote Lylah, "I love you, but when I get home, I'll still love you..." ;)  Talk to you again soon! 

Elder Stout

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