Monday, October 19, 2015

Prayer Works!

Chiba Zone Conference

I've been thinking so much recently about how much I miss all of you.  Family and bros . . . missions are hard.  President Holland once said, "I don't believe anyone has any idea what a mission is unless they've served one." I am so blessed to have two parents who served missions who are able to give me advice.  I love thinking that you've both been here for so long... This land is so different, and yet, it feels like home for those reasons :)  Eternal families truly are the greatest blessing from God.  I realize that more and more every day.  I want each and every one of you to know that I miss you so much, and that I regret more than anything the times that I would hide in my room and text or watch TV rather than just spend time with you.  I hope you know that that much about your son and brother will not be remotely the same when he returns.

Helping the sisters ship their bikes for transfers.

With Elder Hibino, I'm already seeing the lessons The Lord needs me to learn.  We've started talking so much more and becoming so much more united.  Its funny, the day after transfers, we already seemed more like good friends than we ever had before.  I also know that even if I wouldn't have made certain decisions regarding where we go and what we do, as I trust my trainer and pray for him, he's always right.  The Lord is really humbling me already.  My companion is amazing, and we're doing well :)  

I'm going to miss Elder Nabrotzky and Elder Cho a lot, but the new elders will be great.  I knew one of them in the MTC!

So, this week, I had a funny feeling I never thought I'd get: I caught myself wishing I was an American missionary, or English speaking one at least.  There's SO MUCH I want to say and do to help these people, and there's SO MUCH I just can't.  I want to talk to them, to befriend them, to help during ward mission council, you know?  But I can't.  I can't really even approach people on the street all that well.  It was really bothering me the other day, but then, I prayed.  If there's one thing I want you to learn from this week's email, it's that prayer works.  I've had too many experiences to share, which have strengthened my testimony of this fact, but suffice it to say that I've been praying a lot recently.  In particular for Elder Hibino and I to be able to find people and for those people to be interested.  As I've gone out fearlessly (remember that The Lord commanded us not to fear,) I've met so many people who want to learn more about me and what I do, and want to come to Eikaiwa, and even some who are interested in the church!  No new investigators yet, but these people may just find themselves desiring to learn from our inspired lessons.

On the topic, I love America.  I can't say this to my companion because he's reminded me, "Yeah, everybody says, 'I LOVE America!  Japanese food is not good.' "

This place is the best.  I LOVE JAPANESE FOOD!

It’s perfect weather here for BBQs, fireworks, parades... I even miss marching parades.  It’s a strange feeling.  But there's nowhere I'd rather be!  This is where The Lord needs me, and it’s a wonderful land which I love so much despite a touch of homesickness :)
However, the day I land on American soil again, I'm gonna kiss it. ;)

I love you and miss you so much!  I think about you a lot, but I'm trying to focus on the mission.  Don't worry, its not to the point where its a problem.  But like I said, I just miss our family so much.  Thanks for everything you do.

Next week I'll write more, promise!

Gotta go for now, Love you!!!!

Elder Stout

My ponderize scripture for this week.

:D  :D  :D  :D  :D

An elder from my mission who just returned home.  Made me think of Hudson!

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