Saturday, September 5, 2015

Elder Stout is in Japan!

Elder Stout made it to Tokyo!  Here is a letter and some pictures we received from the mission home.  Looks like he has a Nihonjin companion!

Dear Brother and Sister Stout,

We just want to send you a quick note to let you know that your missionary arrived safely in Japan earlier this evening.  President and Sister Nagano met them at the airport, fed them, visited shortly, and then sent them all to bed for a much needed rest.

Tomorrow they will receive training and will soon meet their new companions who have been chosen to train them.  We will take pictures at that time, and within a few days you will receive another email with these pictures attached, and our mailing address.

Thank you for entrusting your missionary to us in the great Japan Tokyo Mission.  We so appreciate all you have done to get these missionaries to this point in their lives!

Sister Mona Kotter
Japan Tokyo Mission Secretary

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