Monday, April 18, 2016

Every investigator needs a best friend

Today was interesting.  It was our p-day, but we had a lesson planned like every three hours.  It didn’t really feel like a p-day.  Two of them fell through, but because they fell through less than an hour before they started, it really threw off our day.  But we met an awesome new guy named Seisukei, and he wears a really cool hat.  I decided I want one of those hats.  Japanese style is just really cool. 

Tsukagoshi San is so cool.  I wish all of you could meet him, because you would all love him so much.  He’s the nicest guy.  Two days ago we went over all of the baptismal interview questions with him, and there was like one topic we hadn’t quite covered, but other than that, the rest of them, he was just like, “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”  Only he said more than that.  He is almost ready for baptism.  He is so awesome.  He knows that God is there for him.  He knows that God is his father, and he believes in Jesus Christ and the Atonement, and he wants to change his life.  We are expecting him to be baptized in the next two-ish weeks.  He could be baptized sooner, but the ward mission leader and the bishop feel like they want to get to know him a little bit better. 

The next one is Shingo.  This week we had a lesson with him at the ward mission leader, Hamada Kyodai’s house.  They bought us this super good traditional Japanese food.  It was AWESOME!  It’s called kamameshi.  Shingo got along so well with the family.  They plan to go to dinner and stuff. 

We’ve really been trying to find our investigators real friends in the church.  In Preach My Gospel, it talks a lot about the transition from being a non-member to being a member of the church.  The church has its own culture.  Like there are so many little things that people have no idea what we are talking about if they haven’t been a member.  Every investigator needs a best friend.  They don’t just need people to say “hi” to them and sit with them once a week.  They need a real friend in the church.  So we’re working on that now.  It’s something I didn’t understand until now.  So my challenge to everyone reading this letter, befriend your ward’s missionaries’ investigators.  Be their real friends.

We met Daiichi by his house.  Normally we just do Skype lessons, but we got to meet him.  It was awesome!  Daichi is going to be one of my bros, even after my mission.  I’m going to write him and stuff.  Hopefully I will be able to come hang out with him.   He is awesome. 

We are trying to be exactly obedient, and it’s been good.  So I started a goal journal.  I want to do it for 55 weeks, for a full year.  Every week I write focuses, things I need to improve, like obedience or like my relationship with my companion or developing a particular Christ-like attribute.  I write those focuses and then goals attached to them.  I have four sections: 1) Spiritual, 2) Physical health, 3) Personal quirks and things I am working on, and 4) Japanese (it’s coming).  It’s been awesome.  I’ve done it for three weeks so far, and I feel so much progress.  I’m starting to see how many goals I make and don’t follow through with.  I think that’s been the biggest thing.  So this week I’m working on diligence, following through with the things I set. 

I’ve learned that I love to cook.  Sister Nagano gave us a bunch of recipes, and I’ve started to try and make them.  And while I’m not a great cook yet, I do love it!  It’s a lot of fun. 

I’m so excited to Skype next month.  I miss you all so much and I love you!

Friends, I love all of you.  Family, I love you so much.   And Mama & Dada, I love you the most.  And also, Grandpa and Grandma, I love you the most.  That’s why I bought this:

Bye bye!  Take care!  Have a good week!

スタウト長老! ^o^
Elder Stout! :D

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