Monday, December 14, 2015

You will never disappoint The Lord if you keep trying!

 Hiya! :D I got the package and it is SO awesome!!  Thank you so much, the 12 Days of Christmas thing is perfect.  I've only opened two so far, but getting letters from Brother Buhler and Maxy seriously made my days.  Thank you so much, it's the best!!  Elder Furniss got a lil Christmas tree carpet we hung on the wall from his family, and it has lights to brighten that end of the apartment!  I love mine though, it's so festive with all the presents! 

It's right next to my old Christmas tree from the ward which still, can I say, was so sweet of Brother and Sister Newel.  It's been the best to read lil letters from everyone when I have some time.  Haha, grandma's package came first, which was super entertaining because my decorations used to be that yellow American Post package underneath the paper tree and that was it (; By the way THANKS GRANDMA!!  I'm excited to see what's inside (:

Along the lines of Christmas, it's been fun and interesting celebrating here.  Elder Kitagaki's family never celebrated Christmas, so he's not even getting a package.  But he doesn't need one, because... Well, I'll get to that later.  Anyway, as a mission we're giving one thing to the savior to become more consecrated.  Because these pictures are going in a secret video to the Nagano's, "Punctuality" is just a less embarrassing way of saying I'm always behind in my journal and brushing my teeth/getting ready for bed because I like to take showers at nights and eat apples with peanut butter which is my new favorite snack of all time, but I've realized that I should be better about journaling, so...

We also took a Christmas picture as a District! Left to right is Ortega Shimai, Reyes Shimai, Elder Jacob's, Elder Furniss, and me, and Elder Kitagaki!  This was the only picture I looked decent in, so... It's the one I'm sharing.

Our ward sings Christmas Carols every Sunday and it's awesome!  My favorite is singing "Guroria inu ekusuche rushisu deyo" in a Japanese accent with the whole ward (read that out loud).

So, I was assigned to make a poster for the ward Christmas party, and remembering another Elder Stout of Japan something close to 50 years ago, I had to at least vaguely base the poster on "The Mormon 5." I was rushed though.

Anyway, I also met a cat!  I held it for an hour and it fell asleep in my arm.  I love cats.

Cindy emailed me earlier this week and it meant so much.  Also, everytime you tell me something Carson said, it instantly inspires me to be a better person.  He's so cool!  I'll be more patient, Tim sent me an email and I'm going to be improving at a higher rate from now on I think (:

So, the thing I mentioned with Elder Kitagaki not needing a Christmas present:
  I forgot to mention this before, but I've known since our first week together, Elder Kitagaki's sister's wedding was to be in this transfer 3 weeks before his return at the Tokyo temple.  It was so close to him being able to come, and he and his sister were so close before his mission, that after receiving special permission from president Nagano we were allowed to go.  My first temple wedding!
My companion was super stressed the whole ride there.  He was so nervous to see his family after two years!  It was super funny though, Japanese reunitings are much less dramatic than the average American one: when his brother walked into the waiting room and saw us, he just said, "Oh.  Hey!" And gave him a fist bump.  However, I knew his mom when I saw her because the sea of relatives parted like the Red Sea to Moses as she dashed over covering her mouth with her hands.  With everyone watching, my companion stuck out his hand in a formal missionary manner with a dumb look on his face, and they shook hands . . .
And then she hugged him.  I totally laughed and cried, and everyone else kinda just went back to eating lunch.
His mom was the sweetest Lady ever!! She was so nice to me and expressed a lot of kindness without using any words.  His sister was ecstatic to see him and they were so fun all day.

I've had not only more contact with last transfer missionaries than most greenies, but also one of the rarest experiences of watching a companion's reuniting with his family.  I really feel like The Lord wants to show me personally what blessings await me if I but serve diligently.  It really reminds me of how similar this life is in comparison to a mission when you consider what happens when it's over.  I have an amazing experience ahead of me full of growth and cool places and amazing people, and that's how our whole earthly life is.  It comes with a full serving of heartache and trials too, but I've come to realize that amidst the incomprehensible joy of our eternal lives with family, a very distinct attribute of our Heavenly Father is that he weeps when we do.  Loving sadness is a godly attribute, and it's a very important part of our experience as children of God.  In fact, we couldn't even know happiness without sadness: it's a blessing.

Tangent aside, at the end of my mission I have my family waiting for me whom I can never appreciate enough, and at the end of this life we have our whole family tree waiting for us to reunite, and talk about experiences we went through only to learn they aided us all the way.  We are so blessed.  So blessed.

Recently I've really felt the power in the fact of the atonement that no matter how many times you mess up, you will never disappoint The Lord if you keep trying.  We're here to become better, and honestly, the only way to learn where you need growth is to notice where you make the most mistakes, right?

The gospel is true.

Still haven't met with Takahisa kun because we had to cancel due to inflexible scheduling and the wedding.  But I'll update you soon!  In other news, our investigator Okada San (he has a 3 foot long silver pony tail) has begun taking the lessons from us again and is actually progressing for the first time in a year!!  Pray for him please.  Frank, is half American half nihonjin (most people call him Furânk, so that's pretty funny to hear ;) he's an awesome person.  His story is one I'll have to tell you next week, but please pray for him to make it to church and be baptized on the 27th!

I love Japan!!!  I love my mission and the people I serve!!  I miss you so much!  But I'm way excited to talk on Christmas! Or sometime around then, I'll let you know when I know the schedule (: 
Bye bye!

Elder Stout

Me and my zone leader Elder Higashi, who is
WAY too photogenic for his own good
Elder Hugo, "my first greenie"

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