Monday, November 30, 2015

New Companion, Elder Kitagaki

Herro!  I amu fine sank you, andu you?

(; Kiddin'.  I'm doing great!  Whew, these first few days have already been pretty crazy.  My companion is AWESOME!  This could very well be one of my favorite transfers of the mission, based on what we've done so far, so I guess we'll have to watch and see (:

Elder Kitagaki: he's like, the only Nihonjin taller than me, he's super funny, super serious about the work, way more serious about loving others, and is so knowledgeable.  When I sent my trainer, Elder Hibino, off on the train I was so sad, because the ending of an era for me is always the worst.  I'm a natsukashi kinda person.  But stepping off of another train to find my new companion:
I checked out of the boarding platform and was looking around for my new companion when I saw a terrified looking foreigner with a crazy handle-bar mustache fiddling with his wallet.  Suddenly from the information desk walks a professional looking young man who points and begins explaining the all-kanji signs to the foreigner.  I walked up to the young man, and sure enough, it was Elder Kitagaki.  I don't believe there's a better first impression of a missionary than when you find each other solely because he is the one person in hundreds clearly offering selfless service without anyone he knows watching.

We've talked to as many people as we can stop and it's just been amazing!!  I love working with him.  He is so driven and I feel like my missionary work is becoming so much more effective because I'm always linked to my purpose.

So, I'm running low on time; next week's email will have to be much longer! But two things:

1) Elder Kitagaki turned to be during companionship study and said affectionately, "Elder Stout, you are as big as the ocean." . . . . . . . "I mean, your heart."
I about died laughing.  Mostly because, just like you said mama, calling people fat here is super normal and I see it all the time!  Haha, anyway, the second point is a bit more serious.

As I was writing my emails home the other week I got a phone call from an investigator who was struggling with a lot of things and decided to drop us because of it.  It was really hard for me because I really like him and I know he's trying hard and I want him to change, so I was upset.  Elder HIbino, seeing that I was upset, leapt to his feet and said, "Shinkou dendou shimashyou!" (“We're doing faith finding!”) I chased after him as we ran out the door and we prayed.  On the count of three, we pointed and he said, "That way is bright." I had felt something different, but decided to trust his experience over mine.  We took off on our bikes and talked to two sets of teenagers, all uninterested.  After going a while longer he pilled into a side-area of the road and yelled, "Dozou!" it was my turn.  I had seen a guy with a white umbrella a ways back and wanted to talk to him but felt it would be a waste to cross the street and turn around.  However, the way that I had felt "was bright" back in front of the church was toward that young man, and I was in the lead.  Feeling only a tad foolish, I followed that initial prompting and we more or less chased down this kid across two intersections until we finally pulled up next to him.  Panting, I asked, "Do you like English?"
After a short conversation with Elder Hibino, the boy followed us to the church to take a tour.  HE TOOK A TOUR.  He loved meeting the other Elders and promised us he'd be back on Saturday for Eikaiwa.  When he left we were all astonished at the product of our faith.  But it was truly a miracle.  A few days later we received this text:
"I'm really sorry, but I can't come to English class on Saturday". . . “Of course,” we both thought, but then the second half of the text read, "But I'll come to church on Sunday!"  He came to all three hours and loved it and is bringing a friend to eikaiwa this week.  Takahisa kun is truly a miracle, please pray for him!!!!!!

K, I have to go, we have an appointment, sorry to keep things brief!!  I got a ton of emails this morning (like every Monday) but wasn't able to open all of them, so my apologies!!  Have a wonderful week!

Elder Stout

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