Thursday, August 13, 2015

I CAN'T WAIT to get to Japan!

I have like, not any time at all (9 minutes).  I'm sorry ): I'll try to write a ton by implementing my super speedy typing powers and I'll let you do all the correction if my OCD doesn't kick in!!

I'm doing really well! (:  To be honest, my first week here was super hard because I felt really under prepared and like I hadn't done any of what I should've before coming here.  I wasted so much time when I could've been doing much more productive things. 

I interview people with Elder Clark!  OH!  And we just orientated the new missionaries (: We have 35!  It was SO fun to meet em all yesterday!  AND I MET ELDER WILDE! (Elder Wilde is John's mom's cousin Diane's son, who entered the MTC yesterday on his way to John's mission).  I'll befriend him! He recognized me, and I, quite honestly, forgot that I was supposed to be finding him.

Yes, my new sensei's name is Sanderson Kyoudai and he's super different, but really awesome.  I'll tell you more about him next week (: Information for when I leave to Japan comes next Friday!!  I can't wait for the plane ride.  I'm obsessed with planes and clouds, so I'm gonna have a ball all 12 hours if I get to sit by the window (:
We had a super good talk the other day, but I forgot the name of the speaker.

AH!  I'm so jealous I didn't get to go down and see Grandma Shaffer on her birthday ): That made me so sad.  (John's great grandma turned 99 this month!) The pictures are so sweet though.  I love her so much.  I hope she's doing well!
HUDSON IS SO CUTE.  I can't wait to see that little man when I get back!!

My Japanese is coming along really well!  I don't think I'm really gonna have it til I get out to Nihon.  I was thinking about it, and seriously, seeing all of the candies that characterize my childhood (when the Stout's would bring them home for me) on one store shelf is gonna blow me away.  The natsukashi feeling of a place I've never been is gonna make me love Nihon even more than I already do, I'm sure (: I can't wait to serve people.  Seriously, here at the MTC we grow a lot spiritually and in the language, but honestly, its all focused inward.  And that's not where conversion nor true happiness are born.  Thus, I CAN'T WAIT to get out and talk to and help real people!  Even just assisting new missionaries in the MTC and comforting them about the experience makes me feel the spirit so much (:

So, about all of the emoticons I use in my emails... The other day, Elder Clark was like, "You use smiley faces...? Don't only... women do that?"
Haha, I apologize to anyone who finds it wierd.  I think smiley faces are very manly and make emails less emotionless.  You can feel more of what I'm trying to say.  So... no, Elder Clark.  Men use them too (;

Speaking of my companion, we found these things called Big Boppers in the vending machines.  They're two cookies smashing a massive glob of ice cream.  He had em with his dad when he was young so he loves em.  Every Saturday he says, "WHAT TIME IS IT?" and I say, "BIG BOPPA TIME!"  As we spend more time together, I've really come to love and connect with my companion.  The closest part of our relationship has come just barely, yet that's right after when a normal transfer is.  The lesson to be learned: treat your companion like your best friend from the start, because time WILL be too short by the end.

Out of time!!  AISHTEIMASU!!

-Elder Stout

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