Thursday, July 9, 2015

First letter from the MTC!!!

July 9, 2015

To whomever it may concern,

Kiddin'.  Hi friends and family! (:  It’s been a roller coaster.  So, my 'rents bunted me out of their car (with a lot more affection than that last sentence would suggest), and then I was a missionary.  I was excited and ready to take it because I've always thought missionarying would be easy for me.  I'm a good kid and stuff.  But, SURPRISE!  It’s not actually as easy as one might hope.  I got pretty discouraged the first few days and couldn't place why.  There was just a shade of emptiness in me that I couldn't get rid of, even though I was in such a spiritual place.  I kept thinking about what I could be doing wrong, what I could change, how I could become a more Christlike person... and then it hit me during a wonderful lesson by my mission president.

I came to the conclusion, that in trying to be the missionary The Lord wants me to be I had just completely turned into myself and thought only of myself.  I mean, how many times was the word "I" in those last few sentences?  My thoughts were confirmed when the next lesson I heard (a video of a talk only for missionaries by Elder Bednar) was all about the same thing.  The talk was on The Character of Christ.  The basic idea is that when Christ was discouraged, rather than turning in and thinking of himself, he turned outward and helped others.  (Look through the scriptures, its everywhere.  When he sent an Angel to John immediately after being tempted by the devil after a 40 day fast, when he healed a guard's ear while the same guard's regime carried him to his death, when he cried out, "Lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do.") Anyway, in conclusion, frequently in an attempt to self-diagnose and become more spiritual, we become more selfish.  That was my first lesson here, and an extremely hard one to learn.  BUT NOW!  I'm doing great, thank you for asking (:

            When I walked into my classroom for the first time, I shook the teachers hand and then turned around to someone saying, "Elder Stout!  I'm your companion!"  It was Ben Clark!!!  Lone Peak's student body president and its Drum Major are companions.  Man, I'm freaking lucky.  Actually, I'm not.  My guess is that the Lord just knows that I was going to have a super hard first week, and giving me a trying companion would've killed me (; Really, I am so grateful.  He is so righteous and smart and diligent and ripped.  The two of us pray at least 20 times in a day, and lift most mornings (he's training me cuz he actually knows what he's doing, and I'm willing to do it with him to stay healthy and not get fat.)

            My district family has kind of become my family at the MTC.  We eat together, play together, study together; they're the best.  We're blessed to have some Shimaitachi (sisters,) in our district, and they are amazing.  One of them is a Tahitian sister (who's first language is French and has Chinese ancestry and speaks 5 languages.) Shina Shimai is the funniest person on the planet.  Aside from the fact that she has a hysterical sense of humor, she also just doesn't speak perfect English just yet, so she'll say things like, "Vy do Americans use so much... eh, vat do you call it?  Pancake sauce?" (referring to syrup.) The other companionship are amazing too, I'll tell you more about them in later emails (: We have two converts (Elder Harolson and Sister Riggs,) who have such powerful testimonies, one boy who definitely has the gift of tongues (Elder Trane) a super funny brother who acts EXACTLY like cousin Ricky (Brother Murakami,) and a really sweet football-playing giant of an Elder who we called Ooki Chourou until we decided that it was probably offensive.  Sister Morr has a super powerful testimony and came on a mission at age 23 because of some intense revelation, and then there's me.  I'm just me.

            Actually, I know TONS more Japanese than anyone else.  On top of that, I really feel my patriarchal blessing manifesting itself as I teach.  Concepts that our teacher can't convey to the Chourou and Shimai, I somehow just know exactly what to say.  We all compliment each other so much, it was definitely inspired that we be a district.

            So, my P-Day is today (Thursday.) I didn't get one last week, which is why I didn't have a chance to respond to any of you.  As for letters, the people who sent me physical or Dear Elder letters are the bestest ever.  I can read those any time, and without them I would've had a much harder time this first week.  Feel free to send them lots (hint hint) because each one is like a Christmas present, they make my day.

            I have lots of other things to say, but as for now, I just love all you guys.  Especially my mama and papa and family.  And everyone else...
Please pray for me!  I may be good at the language, but I'm not that good!

-Elder Stout

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