Thursday, July 30, 2015

Obedience Changes Everything!

MTC is good!  It really does get faster with each passing day.  These last few weeks have gone much faster than the first week alone.  So, there's that!  I've had several opportunities to teach some native Japanese people and it makes me SO pumped for the field!!  They are so kind and sweet and fun to be around.  Not to mention, reading Todd's letters makes me so excited to get down there.  It sounds like he's being insanely blessed by The Lord, I hope my experience is similar!

I do feel like an old-timer.  Its weird to talk to people who are only here for a week and to think that I've been at the MTC 4 times as long as they ever will be! d: BUT ON THE SUBJECT!  I know what I want to do when I get home.  I think.  I really want to go into the animation program still and maybe emphasize hair/particle design, then become a student director, then move on and work on movies or games.  I want to start my own company.  We'll see if these desires come true, but I think I could be really good at it (: Anyway, the reason I brought this up is because I really want to work at the MTC.  Its a nice paying job, the teachers get really nice hours because its on campus, teaching Japanese is something I LOVE and think I could be good at, and its in a spiritual environment with tons of Elders and Sisters who I would have loads of fun with.  So, while I'm doing animation, I want to work here.  That's the current plan (:

 I miss my creative outlet of drawing... I brought a sketchbook.  Don't worry, I've used it once, and even then, hardly had any time at all. d: I'm being a good missionary.  I actually gave it away to one of the sister's in my district because I don't get to use it anyway... But I'm already thinking of buying another XD

My Comp’s great!  I love him.  We're on really good terms.  We're similar in a ton of ways, but that includes the quiet and submissive bit, so we have a hard time deciding who gets to make decisions even though both of us can make split second ones with little effort.

Missionary work is not easy.  At the same time, though, I think I'll have a much easier time with it once I get out into the field and have other people to focus on and help!!

So, I had a gift of tongues experience.  One of our progressive investigators (practice investigators), Tsuboyama Shimai told us that she really wanted to get baptized, but her family might disown her if she did.  I don't know how, but I spoke the best Japanese I've ever done using words I didn't know I knew and saying just the right things.  Her and Clark Chourou were shocked by the end when we both bore our testimony.  We left the room and I just couldn't speak because the spirit was so strong in my chest.  That was a very new sensation.  I can't describe it beyond that, but Clark Chourou gave me a high five and said, "GIFT OF TONGUES BABY!"

I got to skype with Kyle Porter!  He's an incoming Elder from Lone Peak, so our teachers decided to let us help with their skype lessons to make him less afraid to come.  Kinda cool (:

Shout out to the color guard who sent me a massive, pink, pungent-old-woman-perfume-drenched Dear John letter.  Like, 6 people broke up with me.  Pretty hard stuff.  Thanks to the rest of you guardies for being true (;
But seriously, that letter was fantastic.  Elder Clark did NOT find it funny.  Especially all of the hundreds of "we should just be friends" sticky notes from Kate.  I read him a few and was laughing really hard and he asked, "Dude... are you ok?  That's not funny." I tried to explain the joke, but he just found it offensive XD
His humor is different from mine.  Some people get my humor, but...  He thinks I'm a doofus probably (;

MAMA!  I found Frozen Junior Mints under the 18M conference building!!!!!!!!  I got some just because they made me think of you.  And also, I'm in love with them now, they taste like home.

Please send me ear plugs.  Two new Elders moved in with us, Elder Pagel and Elder Johnson.  They are two of the coolest young men I've ever met.  Elder Pagel goes to the Flight Academy, which is so cool (I've actually met a couple Elders who do, and they are all SUPER cool,) and he reminds me of Carson.  He motivates me to finish my workouts in super cool ways, like, "I'll do twice as many as you do!  Don't stop now!!  Come on, make me hurt!!  30 seconds, you can do ANYTHING for 30 seconds!"  He's tight.  THAT SAID.  THEY ARE LIKE BEARS IN THE NIGHT.  It begins with Wilkenson Chourou's deep humming as he falls asleep.  Then Harolsen Chourou (bless his heart, he has a nazal infection,) begins snorting horribly, and then the two newbies begin to erupt like snotty volcanoes.  Like the ferocious 3-headed daemon from Hades's layer himself, they snort and wail and grumble, and I WAS AWAKE UNTIL 12:30.  So I tried to buy some earplugs here and what I got were a dozen cotton balls drenched in what could only have been a mixture of hand sanitizer and vegitable oil.  My hands and ears were super sticky after putting them in, and I could still hear Wilk whispering, "Hey Stout.  Hey Stout, do you hear me?" from across the room!!!  Chinain Shimai promptly threw them in the trash without thought.
But, I've gotten to sleep before 11:30 every other night... I'm getting used to it.  However, if you wouldn't mind sending a pair of standard orange ear-plugs, that would be delightful.  And send an extra pair for me to just play with, cuz I freakin love those things.

So, Swenson Shimai is the greatest teacher EVER.  But apparently she got a job at a high school as a sewing teacher just a few weeks ago, so by the time I get another letter from you, she'll be gone ): She's so funny.  She reminds me of Chelsey, but also has a super nerdy side to her and has the funniest Japanese voice.  When she screams, "ICHI, NI, SAN, STAAATO!" (One, two, three, start!) I laugh so hard.  Or when someone does something wrong and she screams, "BATSU!" or "KUIARATAME!" I'll miss her.

The theme of this week has definitely been obedience.  In our devotionals and other lessons its come up a million times.  I testify that obedience changes everything.  If you're where you're supposed to be, doing what your supposed to be doing, then you are so much happier and grow so much more.   I've seen the obedient missionaries and the disobedient missionaries and DANG, can you guess which side learns better?  And it’s not only by a little bit.  Obedient missionaries have SO MUCH more of the language down.

I finally finished D&C!  That book is so applicable to me and my fellow missionaries, but all of you as well!  It’s modern revelation.  Crazy.  Brother Hall would be proud of me!  Or not.  He never was proud of me... \:

HA!  One funny quote from Chinain Shimai, or else this wouldn't be complete.  She winked at Elder Clark and he flipped out and told her that around here that's suggestive and shouldn't do it as a missionary, then we all tried to explain the different kinds of winking.  Eventually she threw her hands up and said, "I do not understand this winking thing!!"

Hope you enjoyed the longer email!  Thanks to those of you still reading (; To those of you who aren't... I don't think I would have read an email this long either d: I wrote down key words for stories throughout the week to tell you, and that turned out to be a great idea, cuz look how much I got down!


-Elder Stout

President & Sister Butler:

Saturday, July 25, 2015

There's no learning in the comfort zone, and no comfort in the learning zone!

Hey! (: Its so good to hear from you!  Yeah, its weird.  Part of me can't believe I've been here for 3 weeks, the other part of me doesn't think its ever going to end.  I feel like the MTC is a spiritual Gym.  Like, every single day The Lord teaches me a huge new lesson.  I'm leaning so much, but at the same time, it’s a very uncomfortable experience (; A quote that I LOVE was, "There's no learning in the comfort zone, and no comfort in the learning zone."

I'm still loving all of it and every one!  Elder Clark and I had a pretty intense companionship inventory.  Kind of a misunderstanding, but I bet no one could ever see that happening, especially when the two of us were the only ones involved.  But it was good (: He's the sweetest guy ever, I'm so blessed to have such a righteous and kind companion.

I've had SO MUCH FUN running recently!!  It’s just exhilarating.  I didn't realize how much I would miss it after sitting inside all day, but just running for a solid half hour is super relaxing.  I come out of it ready to do the same thing over.  So... I'm weird (:\ I've also had the chance to throw a disk around quite a bit!  We aren't allowed to play ultimate, too physical or competitive I guess, but just throwing a Frisbee is so much fun.

Can someone find Mr. Paskett's email and send it to me?  I need to thank that man.  He's the best teacher I ever had, and definitely on of the best Japanese teachers out there.  Also, every day as we study I just miss my old class SO MUCH.  I loved that experience, and I miss all my old friends more than words can describe.  But I know that pretty soon I'll miss every one of experiences I had here, so its best to live in the present (:

So, Todd left this week!  Man, that was short.  I miss him so much.  It was so amazing to have his support while both of us were here.  I miss it already.  But I'm loving all the people I have, so its fine.  APPARENTLY Jacob Burnham is here!!!  I need to find him already, because I haven't seen him yet!  And Steph comes in next week?  This place is the best. (;

So, everyone has been getting sick recently.  Like, EVERYONE.  One of our teachers told us that that's how the MTC has always been and that he has a suspicion that its the same cold that's been here since some Elder brought it through the gates in 1990.  I choose to believe that XD  I've only gotten a slightly sore throat, but I've also had headaches.  I haven't in the last day, but a few days in a row I had this searing pain above my left eyebrow.  Like the one I had before I came here.  Hopefully its gone forever, but that was a thing.

MAMA!  You know that Elder we ran into at Walmart who said he had a cousin going into the MTC the same day I did?  WELL I KNOW HER.  Sister Riggs!  The other day she mentioned, "Hey Stout, you met my cousin?" and then it all clicked.  That was a super awesome connection to make.  So... yeah, that's all I have to say about that.  But it was kind of awesome.  Oh!  Also, Sister Rigg's grandpa spoke to us at the Tuesday devotional.  That was really really good.  10 things about a happy and successful missionary.  I'd already heard it all before, but I really loved having the chance to write what he said down.  Particularly the bit about working hard.  I still love the story about how President Hinckley was discouraged on his mission and wanted to come home.  If he was THAT discouraged, I'm gonna be fine.

OH!  Also, we got to teach a native Nihonjin who's visiting from Fukuoka.  She was so tiny and sweet and it made me FLIPPIN excited to go out into the field! (: The MTC is great, but I have too much time to think about myself.  It'll be easy to lose myself in the work once I'm out there, you know?

On the topic, I guess that was my favorite lesson I learned this week.  Not to simply FORGET myself in the work, but to LOSE myself.  Let go of my past and focus on now.  It’s been so hard to do that.  But I'm working on it.  Obviously no matter what happens I love you all so much, but... I need to focus on the mission?  You know?  Yeah.  I still love you guys, don't be sad. (;


-Elder Stout

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Another week in the MTC!

The MTC is great!  I've had quite the bunch of experiences this last week (which has felt something closer to a month,) and I'll try to cram as many in as I can think of.  Honestly, it’s hard to remember a lot of what went on as every day is SO packed... that's why journals are important I guess.

So, big news... I'm a Zone Leader now!  Clark Chourou was district leader for one and a half weeks, then BAM, suddenly we got a ton of responsibility heaped on us.  So, that's big news. (: ALSO!  Clark Chourou got a tie that all of the Japanese District leaders pass down.  Guess who's name was on it?  That's right.  Elder Whitmer!!  I freaked.  We both held that thing in the MTC.

I freakin' love my district.  (I'm not sure if I'm allowed to use that word anymore...) I SUPER love my district.  (That's better.)  They are so perfect for me.  Every single one of them is so amazing in their own way, and yet we are all completely different people.  Well, except Chinain Shimai.  Except for the fact that she's: half Chinese, French is her first language, and she's a Tahitian, we're super similar.  Every time I tell her about one of my talents she gets wide eyed and says with a slight accent, "How is this possible!?  You must be my twin!" she also insists I look like Ron Weasley.  "Vut, only in ze books.  Iv I said you looked like ze movie Ron, this vould not be a compliment."  YES!  I do know Moore Shimai!!  She's one of my favorite people on the planet!  She's so kind and has such an intense testimony.  Her grandmother passed away a few days ago and she was having a super hard time, but none of us knew about it until evening because she just wore a smile and shared a positive attitude.  That evening however, she asked Clark Chourou and I to give her a blessing.  With the permission of President we did, and Clark delivered a really powerful message.  The last Shimai is Riggs, she reminds me of Megan and Rachel combined... she's the tan taller girl in my pictures.  She has the sisterly aura about her.  I don't know how to describe it other than they just feel like my older sisters, all of them.

Clark Chourou and I are getting along well!  We're still working on some things.  In Japanese lessons I tend to overbear because I simply understand things he doesn't because of my Japanese background, but he is picking up on the language so fast.
So, one of the Chouroutachi, Harolson Chourou is super tight.  He's super into science and while I don't know as much as he does, I follow his discussions better than most, so we talk a lot.  My other roommate, Wilkinson Chourou, loves movies.  We play a game where we whistle songs from movies at night and the other has to guess what its from.  I'm the reigning champ, though this guy has seen SO many.  (Clark Chourou HATES it.  He's not into movies at all.)

One more District story: I was showing everyone my picture book (thank you so much for sending it by the way, mama, you're the best!) and they all died laughing when they saw the cat picture. It's legendary now; they all took pictures of it and Clark said he's gonna send it home saying, "So, this is my companion..."

So one of my biggest growing experiences this week (as there are many,) would have to be when Todd first got here.  I see him all the time.  We're in the same Zone, so that's awesome! (: Everyone thinks we're super weird because we joke around so comfortably every time we see each other.  He's doing well!  Anyway, he saw his district members in the accelerated program and told me, "Bro, you could totally do it.  Your Japanese is good enough." So I was thinking really hard about asking my teacher if I could maybe leave early.  I felt bad though because I LOVE my district.  And if I had to switch to another I don't know what I'd do.  Anyway, apparently Munro Chourou (an Australian Elder who is SUPER funny,) had a few years of Japanese but didn't leave.  So I went to talk to him and he promised we'd talk when he had time.  When we finally got around to talking, he said, in essence, "So.  Here's the thing.  I did the Japanese immersion program, mmkay?  So, I took physics and math, that sort of thing, in Japanese.  Imagine how much Japanese that takes.  When I got here I wondered the same thing you did, but after praying and thinking I came to this conclusion: it’s a MISSIONARY training center. Not a language training center.  There are experiences here that you can't have in the field, though you'll have many amazing ones there.  The Lord has called you to the MTC for 9 weeks, and I'd take it.  That said, it’s your decision.  Think about it."

I've done some real good to my district members.  So far I've helped them understand some things that through our teacher they just weren't getting, and I realized that this is the best place for me right now.  I still have a lot to learn, and what's more, I can help others learn a lot.  So... I'm staying.  The end (:

On the topic of that Elder, he's since become like my older brother (even though he's only been here a few weeks more than me.) He's going to Tokyo too, so hopefully we're comps!  He said we will be.

Lesson of the week: Don't let a word leave your mouth before you think about its consequences.  I love the Chinese proverb dad sent me.  Something like, "Not even the fastest horse can catch words you don't mean after they leave your mouth."  I'll tell y'all about my experience with this next week if you ask. (:

I love you family and I miss you so much!!  Keep writing letters!  Just know that hand-written letters are much harder for me to answer now, and also, even emails I don't have much time for, so if I don't respond this week, please don't be offended.  Love you!

-Elder Stout (Stouto Chourou)

Thursday, July 9, 2015

First letter from the MTC!!!

July 9, 2015

To whomever it may concern,

Kiddin'.  Hi friends and family! (:  It’s been a roller coaster.  So, my 'rents bunted me out of their car (with a lot more affection than that last sentence would suggest), and then I was a missionary.  I was excited and ready to take it because I've always thought missionarying would be easy for me.  I'm a good kid and stuff.  But, SURPRISE!  It’s not actually as easy as one might hope.  I got pretty discouraged the first few days and couldn't place why.  There was just a shade of emptiness in me that I couldn't get rid of, even though I was in such a spiritual place.  I kept thinking about what I could be doing wrong, what I could change, how I could become a more Christlike person... and then it hit me during a wonderful lesson by my mission president.

I came to the conclusion, that in trying to be the missionary The Lord wants me to be I had just completely turned into myself and thought only of myself.  I mean, how many times was the word "I" in those last few sentences?  My thoughts were confirmed when the next lesson I heard (a video of a talk only for missionaries by Elder Bednar) was all about the same thing.  The talk was on The Character of Christ.  The basic idea is that when Christ was discouraged, rather than turning in and thinking of himself, he turned outward and helped others.  (Look through the scriptures, its everywhere.  When he sent an Angel to John immediately after being tempted by the devil after a 40 day fast, when he healed a guard's ear while the same guard's regime carried him to his death, when he cried out, "Lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do.") Anyway, in conclusion, frequently in an attempt to self-diagnose and become more spiritual, we become more selfish.  That was my first lesson here, and an extremely hard one to learn.  BUT NOW!  I'm doing great, thank you for asking (:

            When I walked into my classroom for the first time, I shook the teachers hand and then turned around to someone saying, "Elder Stout!  I'm your companion!"  It was Ben Clark!!!  Lone Peak's student body president and its Drum Major are companions.  Man, I'm freaking lucky.  Actually, I'm not.  My guess is that the Lord just knows that I was going to have a super hard first week, and giving me a trying companion would've killed me (; Really, I am so grateful.  He is so righteous and smart and diligent and ripped.  The two of us pray at least 20 times in a day, and lift most mornings (he's training me cuz he actually knows what he's doing, and I'm willing to do it with him to stay healthy and not get fat.)

            My district family has kind of become my family at the MTC.  We eat together, play together, study together; they're the best.  We're blessed to have some Shimaitachi (sisters,) in our district, and they are amazing.  One of them is a Tahitian sister (who's first language is French and has Chinese ancestry and speaks 5 languages.) Shina Shimai is the funniest person on the planet.  Aside from the fact that she has a hysterical sense of humor, she also just doesn't speak perfect English just yet, so she'll say things like, "Vy do Americans use so much... eh, vat do you call it?  Pancake sauce?" (referring to syrup.) The other companionship are amazing too, I'll tell you more about them in later emails (: We have two converts (Elder Harolson and Sister Riggs,) who have such powerful testimonies, one boy who definitely has the gift of tongues (Elder Trane) a super funny brother who acts EXACTLY like cousin Ricky (Brother Murakami,) and a really sweet football-playing giant of an Elder who we called Ooki Chourou until we decided that it was probably offensive.  Sister Morr has a super powerful testimony and came on a mission at age 23 because of some intense revelation, and then there's me.  I'm just me.

            Actually, I know TONS more Japanese than anyone else.  On top of that, I really feel my patriarchal blessing manifesting itself as I teach.  Concepts that our teacher can't convey to the Chourou and Shimai, I somehow just know exactly what to say.  We all compliment each other so much, it was definitely inspired that we be a district.

            So, my P-Day is today (Thursday.) I didn't get one last week, which is why I didn't have a chance to respond to any of you.  As for letters, the people who sent me physical or Dear Elder letters are the bestest ever.  I can read those any time, and without them I would've had a much harder time this first week.  Feel free to send them lots (hint hint) because each one is like a Christmas present, they make my day.

            I have lots of other things to say, but as for now, I just love all you guys.  Especially my mama and papa and family.  And everyone else...
Please pray for me!  I may be good at the language, but I'm not that good!

-Elder Stout