Monday, March 20, 2017

A really hard week.

I hope you're 元気! I'm doing much better. As far as health goes, we had interviews last week, and as soon as we stepped in the door, Sister Nagano took one look and me and announced, "Elder Stout! You're still sick!! You need to sleep in until 7:30 tomorrow!!!!" And so I did. But after that, it was a regular day ;) I still feel drained of energy, but I don't think I'm gonna recover by not doing anything, so we've been getting to work. Every time we do a little bit of stuff we see massive miracles, and so we can't afford to be sick any longer!

This week was a really hard week. I was still feeling really tired and slow, and T. Stout Choro has been feeling similar recently, but we still did our best every day. On Tuesday, we had mission school and Ichiro, Yasushi, and Mark all came! 

I talked with Mark most of the time and it was a fantastic contact. He was telling us about how even though he wants to be a guitar player, he doesn't want to do it for fame or fortune, he wants to do it to brighten other people's lives and do what he loves. As we talked about his life, he testified to us about how the Lord is guiding him, and we did the same. The spirit was so strong, and I felt strongly to once again invite him to be baptized. We had thought of a good day on which to invite him, and so in that moment I did. "Mark, all of these blessings can be yours. Will you follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized?"
But something was wrong.. He got a little uncomfortable and asked, "Well, what if I don't...?" We talked of the blessings, and Elder T. Stout really touched me as he testified that, "You don't have to, and we'll still be best buddies if you don't, but I know how happy it will make you!" And I did the same. Mark remarked, "Ok, I'll think about it! Thanks guys." And took off for home on his bike in a little bit of a hurry.
I felt really unsettled all night about it and prayed and talked to my companion lots. Neither of us knew what to think. We still don't. Because following that night we haven't been able to get ahold of him by call, text, or Facebook. And when we checked LINE (the Japanese social media app that we use frequently nowadays,) he had unfriended us.

That, mixed with waking up at 5:00 in the morning one day and then 5:30 the next day (we had to take an early train to Niigata and then had some stuff the next day) was the state I was in during Zone Conference. We also had a lot of role-plays and practice lessons to do at the meeting, and I just kept messing up and saying weird and confusing stuff, and I got way frustrated. When Doctor Meyers called for a weekly checkup and asked, "Elder Stout, tell me all about how you're feeling!" Referring to my cold, I started to describe the symptoms, but then just broke down. Then I turned against the wall because the whole zone was standing behind me.
Also, that normally doesn't happen to me, so weird.
"I know you're not a psychiatrist, but I've been on a way emotional low recently. Our investigator Mark...... and I've been sick...... and I'm tired....."
"Well of course you're feeling awful Elder Stout!" He remarked in a chipper-but-understanding-loving-grandfather tone, "You're at the worst part of feeling sick. Right now I would expect you to be as blue as blue can be. Why, I'll bet you couldn't even feel the spirit much during conference today, could ya?"
"Nah, about 50% of the time... hey, sorry to bother you, I know this is like, way weird."
"Now that's completely normal Elder Stout. Don't you worry a bit, I'm here for you Elder Stout."
By the end of the call I felt a ton better. I really felt like his call at that time was random, but inspired. It meant a ton. I might as well have had a comforting angel show up and give me a nice talk, I really appreciated it. Dr. Meyers has become my mission grandfather since the Sunday I had dinner at his house in Shibuya.

Anyway, that was the state I was in as I walked into Sister Nagano's office. Hence her being way worried and caring towards me. She just sat me down, and showered me in a hundred compliments that it would take my whole email time to write down. Sister Nagano was also an angel for me this week when I felt like I really needed it. She just went on and on during our interview, and then the next day after a stake conference she attended, she walked up to me and did the same thing all over again! And again the next day at our Sunday meetings! (They stayed all week.) What's more is she has been sick all week too, and so the fact that she was so Christlike and focused on me in the midst of her own sickness meant a lot.

Anyway, we're getting settled again and have been trying to roll with the punches. Satan, that old serpent, can be a real jerk sometimes, beating us up or making us beat ourselves up when times are roughest. But I know that the Lord is looking out for us and watching us and will send his angels both living and dead to comfort us.
We need to remember always to be angels to those around like just like Jesus would!

That was about the week... had a great conference, Bu and Hoshino kun came to church in Niigata for the big conference this week!!! THAT was a miracle. Hoshino kun is an old investigator who resurfaced at ping pong night and, after being touched by our spiritual message, asked to meet up the next day and then requested a ride this Sunday! :) He's doing well. As far as baptisms coming up: I'm afraid that here at the end of 5 months with Elder T. Stout, we will be very blessed and lucky if we see Bu's baptism on April 8th. He wants it, the ward wants it, I don't know what could prevent it from happening. But we need your prayers way bad right now. We're working so hard, but sometimes don't see as much success as we would like. But according to Sister Nagano, we've done a lot of good here. So we're trying to hold our heads high and trust that the Lord is using us how he needs us.

Ta chan trying to figure out how to take selfies on an iPad.

This is what Japan thinks English is, because it's written on everything. The exact same conversation. If you say, "Hello! How are you?" To anyone, they will inevitably say, "I'm fine, thank you. And you?" It's how they're programmed here.

Spending the night with all the choros at Niigata! Our zone is huge, so everyone has to sleep here overnight for conferences.(Played ultimate. Funnest morning of my life, spent it with Elder Clark too! Probably not the best idea while I was sick, but I felt way better because of it. While we were playing anyway.... ;) I forgot how much I loved this game.)

OH! Also, Toshiki and Yui are probably getting married next week!!!!!!!! He's talking to her dad! If they get baptized it'll be a miracle, but it's possible, so please pray!!!!!!! More to come on them next week.

I love you so much and I'm so grateful for your letters. Look forward to hearing from you again.

    Elder Stout :D
          🇺🇸  •  🇯🇵

スタウト長老 ^o^

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