Monday, October 24, 2016

I'm going to Niigata!!!

Today was transfer calls!  Everything's gonna change like it does each 6 weeks.
 We got the call from President Nagano and he said, "Elder Frazier, you're transferring to Maibashi!  You'll be with Elder Gibson, and we're tacking a new missionary onto you, so you'll be a threesome training companionship!" We all got way excited and cheered for Elder Frazier!!  He's gonna do amazing.  I'm gonna miss him, but now that it's coming to an end, I'm just so grateful for all of the things I learned from him.
At this point during the call I was already thinking of new ideas for the Saitama Zone!  "Who's my companion gonna be?  Who are the new missionaries coming in?  When will we meet all of our investigators this week...?" And then President asked for me.
"Elder Stout?  Yes, we're moving you too actually." "Huh?!" "Yes, you are actually going to Sanjo.  In Niigata." "NO WAY!!" I literally yelled it out! "...yes.  And your new companion is going to be Elder Okano!  He's a Japanese elder.  You'll be district leader.  You'll have a wonderful time there.  Thank you for your hard work, do you have any questions?"
IT WAS SO UNEXPECTED BUT I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!  Grandpa, I'm going to Niigata!!!!!!!!  Did you ever serve in Sanjo?  Because that's where I'm headed! :D :D :D
I thought I would be here for another 3 months or so, and I was looking forward to it.  I love this ward and have gotten closer to the people here faster than any other ward, but it's been my dream to go to Niigata since I arrived in Japan, and I cannot wait to take the bus aaaaaaaall the way to my dream prefecture.  Mama, I'm gonna have a White Christmas again, maybe almost as white as the ones you saw on your mission ;) Elder Frazier's shown me LOTS of pics from when he was there, and it's gonna be cold! I can't wait. :)

Elder Bednar's conference was amazing!!!  We did not get to shake his hand because he had a meeting with the prime minister, so there wasn't much time, but as soon as I saw him walk into the room and everyone stood I felt like I knew him already.  Over the course of my mission I've really gotten to know him from watching and reading tons of talks and things.  Having him here felt almost like reuniting with a friend, but also really sacred because he's an apostle.  I learned more from him than I have time to write, but the biggest thing I want to share is that he talked about and demonstrated by his natural actions how to truly teach.  "Teaching is not talking.  It's listening." He would ask us questions followed by, "I don't want to hear what you think I do.  Don't give me some generic answer, just tell me, what did you actually learn from that verse?" Or similar things, and as missionaries began to open up and ask more questions and give more comments, he simply taught us from where we were.  It wasn't a long speech, and we didn't sense him moving through a checklist of things he had to teach.  Rather, in 3 hours he asked us questions and answered our questions.  That was the entire thing!  It was such a powerful example of how missionaries should teach.  
He actually condemned the method of "guess what's in my head" where we ask questions looking for specific answers.  "You will never feel the spirit as you ask purely informational questions so that people will tell you things you already know.  They will never feel the spirit either!  I know you've done it, I've done it, we all have.  It's a well-intentioned but mislead teaching method." I definitely need to get better at that one!
I received lots of specific revelation for myself.  It was one of the most uplifting experiences of my life.  He was using the Gift of Discernment to see our needs, it was incredible.  However, the entire meeting was filled with so much love. He never set out to make a fool of anyone or make anyone feel bad.  In fact, he made us laugh so much!  
He's a really funny man.  One more quote he gave us before Sister Bednar whacked him on the back: "It's been another hour.  Ok everyone, stand up again!  Alright, here's another doctrine for you: the spirit can only receive as much revelation as the rear-end can endure." 

We stepped off of the train at the mission home's train station and walked up the stairs to the exit.  Then there was Elder Burnham.  It had been a full year, but both of our mouths just dropped and we walked straight into each other and hugged.  It was a moment I've waited my whole mission for.  We got to talk just briefly and it was so exciting.  Our exchange went something like this, "I love you man!" "I love you too, man!" "It's been so long!  Wait... you can speak Japanese!!!"  "YEAH!  YOU can speak Japanese!" "Woooooaaah!!!" "WooooooOOAH!!"

Haha, we took quick pictures after the conference and then more or less left after saying, "I can't wait to see you again in a yearish!  We have TONS to talk about!" I'm so grateful for the friends that I have.  I feel like the Lord gave me the best possible life He had available.

On Sunday this week we made it to just Sacrament meeting, but you'll never guess who we met!!!  MY BELOVED DORYO KOSHIN KITAGAKI!!!!!!!!!!!  We hugged and chatted in Japanese, and it was the weirdest thing ever that I understood almost everything he said.  Like, that moment when at the bike-shop I overheard a song that I listened to with the Stouts a hundred times, and I understood it this time.  That was weird.  Anyway, it was so fun to see him!  It makes me happy when people are happy to see me.  It makes me feel like I wasn't too hard of a companion to have ;)

Aw man, there are so many stories, but I'm way out of time, I'm sorry, I wrote way too much this week!  Fujii is doing awesome, he's coming to church and we actually went to get Indian Curry with him, and actually this week the owner of that restaurant met us at the church and said he wants to join (his name is Biraj,) and he introduced us to his wife who's also interested, on splits with Elder Ulrich we found some new investigators who the new Elders will meet, and basically miracles are happening in Urawa!! :) Elder Frazier was sick indoors for the last 3 days, so we haven't had as much time to meet people as we'd hope, especially because tomorrow's our last day to see anyone :( But things really are going so well.  I'm sorry, I have a much better account of the dendo in my journal, we'll have to read it when I get back.  I'll write more about the work next week.

Hiroki Kun
Splits with Elder Barrett

Splits with Elder Goldsberry

I miss you dearly.  I know I'm where I'm meant to be.  I know that the Lord loves us and knows exactly where we are, who we are, where we're going and who we're becoming and he'll guide us every step if we let him.  Love you so much!!

    Elder Stout :D
          🇺🇸  •  🇯🇵
スタウト長老 ^o^

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