Monday, September 12, 2016

Elders Stout, Frazier, Morris & Eyre--A Powerhouse District

Well, you're right, it was transfers this week.  Let's just kick off the email by ending the suspense!
On the morning of transfers, Elder Frazier and I get a list of the missionaries who are staying in their area so that we can call them and tell them that.  President Nagano and his Assistants call everyone else to let them know where they are going and who their new companions are.  Anyway, we were sitting at the church waiting for this email to come for AGES (5 minutes) when... IT CAME!
I was a little bit nervous about whether or not I'd be on the list.  I wanted to stay in this area so bad because I just got here and it is an unbelievably awesome area, but it's actually pretty common for new zone leaders to "be trained" in an area for one transfer and then to go to a new one, so this call was completely up in the air.
But there our names were on the list. (Technically it just said "Urawa A" is staying, but...) We're so excited to have another 6 weeks together as companions!  Mama, you're exactly right, we need some more time to solidify our relationship and learn from each other.  I'm way excited for where this transfer will go.  We're unified in the zone vision, we're used to each other, we love the area... it's gonna be AWESOME!
Another crazy thing: Elder Hugo is transferring to another area in our zone with a very energetic elder named Elder Aiken (I'm way sad to see him go, but this transfer will be great for him,) and Elder Morris is staying here with... the one... the only... ELDER EYRE!
That's Elder Frazier, Elder Morris, and Elder Eyre, all three of whom were in the Shibuya House with me my first transfer there.  Not only that, but Elder Morris and Elder Eyre were companions then too!!  WHAT?!  This transfer is going to be re-living the past, but not only that, we're going to do some mad work because all of us are already used to living with each other, working together, and are ready to get this area up and running.  It's a powerhouse district.

Fuji saaaaaan!
He's doing so good!  He was sick yesterday and the day before, but we're meeting again tonight and are continuing to meet him every day until his baptism.  If he's ready in two days, he will be baptized this Sunday.  If not, probably next Sunday.  It's crazy, we had an amazing MLC last Tuesday and talked about having the faith to invite people to make big decisions, and so on splits Elder Frazier invited Fujii to be baptized and he said yes, and they decided on this upcoming Sunday! (That night they decided to meet with him daily until he's baptized.)  It's crazy how fast things are moving with him, but we know he can meet his date.  He's way excited and loves the church and is really feeling God's love.  He already knows the ward pretty well (as you can see from the picture,) so the bishop was very excited when he heard the news!
And we're doing good too!  I think he was just embarrassed that he had missed so many calls from us, and he knew that I was the one leaving voice-mails, but now that he's got his life a little more in order, he can meet with us consistently and things aren't awkward at all anymore.
YAY FUJII!!  Please pray for him!!

Tokyo Mission MLC
Oh.  I forgot to say.  You'll never guess who the new Assistant to the President is.
Oh wait, you totally will...
ELDER BENJAMIN CLARK!!!!  This was long anticipated, he's just the bold leader type, and I'm so excited for him!! I'm also so beyond excited, because remember how I went to visit Iida san with Elder Munroe?
Well guess who I can visit Iida san with now?
MY MTC COMPANION.  On splits, I am sure we will go and visit that old friend who doesn't know we've waited to teach him for over a year!!!!!
I can't wait for that split.  I'm gonna take notes the entire time, because I never realized in the MTC that my companion was one of the best missionaries of all time.  I love Elder Clark!

Went on lost of splits, did lots of study, talked to lots of people, and saw a lot of tender mercies.  I'm blessed to overflowing! (I.E, there's not enough time for my email to receive all the stories ;)

Wow.  Bishop Nyman isn't our bishop anymore?  That's so weird.  He's always gonna be my bishop at heart.  For real, he was one of the best bishops of all time.  All the times we had at barbecues at his house, movie nights in his basement, anything, he was just so supportive and loving of the youth.  He was always so involved.  He made some of the best comments ever in priests quorum, he wasn't scary at all, his testimonies have really stuck with me.  I've basically given the same ones to people here in Japan.  If I am ever a bishop, I want to be exactly like Bishop Nyman!  And that goes for Brother Wright and Brother Nicole, they are also two of my favorite, kindest, easiest to get along with leaders ever.  I can't wait to see them again.

You and Papa are looking so good hiking up mountains!!  Aw man, seeing you made me so jealous :D I wanna do it someday too!!  I seriously love Sam and Adrianna so much, and look up to uncle Scott as a super hero.  Going on a trip with them looks like the funnest thing ever.  We have the best family.

Things are going great with Elder Frazier.  We're learning to work well with each other!  The little things are just getting better with time. :)

Can't wait to hear from you again!

 Elder Stout :D

  スタウト長老 ^o^

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