Monday, July 11, 2016

We're working harder than ever, and we're becoming more united than ever!

I'm doing great!  Elder Taylor and I are doing SO well!  We're working harder than ever, and we're becoming more united than ever.  Yesterday during dinner as we ate, we just laughed and talked the entire time, and at the end of it it occurred to me that, "At long last, we've become good friends!"

We've gotten along pretty well, but just like every companionship there was a "storming" phase where we just got to know each other's personalities a little better.  We had a day where Elder Taylor lead EVERY single decision and action as the senior companion, and wow.  Not only did he grow a ton, I grew so much from it.  God is at the helm and he knows what he's doing!

Guess what??  Speaking of when you were Austin Shimai, I'm going to dinner with Satou family again this week!  I continue to find golden shards of Stout history scattered throughout Japan, and every time I find one I feel the spirit of Elijah exciting my heart and connecting me to the other side of the veil!  I'm gonna get real good at family history with you, Mama.  We'll be pros together some day, even if it takes me several decades ;) (Just kidding.)

I met two sisters this week who knew Grandpa Stout quite well and told me, "If you talk to any of the members from 30 years ago, everyone in the church knew your grandfather's name!  He was famous!"  I wish I could remember their names, but one of them gave a powerful talk during sacrament meeting...  Haha, I just reminded myself of a quote from Elder Bednar: "[Your ancestors] sound wonderful.  What have you done?"

I need to live up to those who went before me! (Shout out to you and Dada ;)

We had a wonderful District lunch with Bishop Touma.  He is one of the kindest and most genuine yet brilliant men I've ever met.  (He knew Grandpa Stout as a child when he visited the mission home frequently and saw Grandma Stout walking through the halls with sheets of cookies and stuff!)

 I love this man.  I love this ward.  I'm loving this ward so much I can't express it in words, and I'm not just saying that.  The more time I spend 1 on 1. . . er, I mean, 2 on 1 ;) the more I come to love every member of this ward.    I LOVE THE GOSPEL AND THIS WORK!!!

We began our "Strive" class and it went SO well!  Xia wanted a picture with me and it was so fun!!  And guess who took the picture?  One of his best friends who is now VERY interested in learning the gospel.

We were asked to bear testimony during second hour of church, and Elder Taylor KILLED it by referencing the same scripture we had just read about Ammon, saying, "My first name is Ammon.  And just like him, I desire to dwell here for some time. 'Perhaps until the day I die.'" And expressed his love for the Japanese people.  They were all so touched.  After the meeting, we were talking with all of our ward members when out of nowhere a sister grabbed us by the shirt sleeves and basically dragged us upstairs in a panic yelping, "AN INVESTIGATOR IS COMING!!!"
We sprinted up those stairs and walked out into the sauna which is Japan in July, and waited.  Sure enough, up strolled a man later introduced as Hasegawa san.  He's had a hard life and was looking for how to improve it, when a friend and work associate, and Sister from our ward baptized under 2 years ago, gave him a Book of Mormon.  We sat next to him during the meeting and taught him about the meaning of the sacrament and many other questions he asked.  As we prayed he folded his arms and closed his eyes exactly how I did (I taught him to pray with his arms folded, but during the prayer on the water, I simply clasped my hands together.  Afterwhich Elder Taylor and I laughed realizing that he had confusedly followed my footsteps.) He is such a humble faith filled man with no Christian background but a thirst than can only be quenched by the Waters of Life.  I can't wait to meet with him more, especially since this Sister in our ward offered her home for all of our lessons which is THE MOST IDEAL situation in the world for teaching.

There's much more I could write, but in short, I am genki :) We're happy, we're working hard, and we are loving this work.

Today Elder Taylor and I went bowling with the district and then went to The Disney Store (like a mini Disney Land), so spirits are high ;)

AND I LOVE YOU! :D  I am so excited for our adventures together.  And I'm so excited to tell you all about my experiences here as you tell me about yours!  Tanoshimi desu ne. :)

Until next week!

スタウト長老! ^o^
Elder Stout! :D

Ps, An eikaiwa student went to Russia and brought us back these super fancy candies!  WOW.  They were the richest little things I have ever tasted.  They were very proper as well.

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