Tuesday, June 28, 2016

BYU Hawaii Choir Concert

 Yep, we're staying! :D It's been a blast so far.  We're starting to connect.  I've gotten very familiar with the process of a companionship simply needing time to become strong, and so I'm just waiting for the day when without either of us realizing it, Elder Taylor and I are best friends.  In fact, on the topic, you'll never guess who I saw yesterday!!

There was a massive concert put on by the choir of BYU Hawaii that missionaries from our entire missions AND the Tokyo South mission came to.  It was an amazing experience.  I haven't been to a concert in a year and it put me into an utter shock: I FORGOT HOW MUCH I LOVE A GOOD STAGE!  One of my favorite things in the world.  And man, they were amazing performers.  Beyond that, they invited the spirit so powerfully, it was just something else.  I love every minute of it, especially their rendition of "Homeward Bound" which is still one of my favorite songs (it's one of everyone's, I know.)

After the concert I ran into Elder Clark for the first times in somewhere around 8 months and it put me into shock.  I hugged him and didn't have nearly enough time at all to talk, but it was just so good to see each other.  I still consider him an amazing friend.  He was so kind to Elder Taylor, just as I knew he would be!  Not only Elder Clark, but all of my MTC district was there!  Sister Riggs, Sister Moore, and my twin Sister Chinain!  It felt just like the MTC and we were all overjoyed to be reunited for even just under a minute (everyone was very busy taking care of their friends they brought!)

And then, after the concert, guess who came to spend the night at our apartment?  None other than.... ELDER SHION LI. I'll send the pic next week when he gets it to me, but man, it was possibly the funnest night of my mission talking to him about our investigators and where they are, what's changed, what we've both been through (especially him on that little island,) and what the future holds for both of us.  He's my brother, and one of my all-time best friends.  I didn't think I'd see him for another 3 or 4 transfers, but it was a wonderful surprise.

Another thing that happened at the concert!  We learned that Shingo hasn't been able to meet with us because he's been meeting with other missionaries.... WHAT!?  We had no idea!  We met the Elders from Tokyo South at the concert with him, and talked about it.  Haha, it was awesome, we all had fun talking about our wonderful friend, and Shingo seemed enchanted with the clashing of worlds we didn't know existed for nearly a year. We hope to see his testimony progressing as we continue to work with him!

Xia.  He's from China, his Japanese is pretty good, but he doesn't do English.  He's coming to the japanese ward, even though most Chinese members are in the English one, and so we do lessons with him AND the missionaries from that ward who are both from Taiwan (Elder Cho and Elder Lin.) They are so fun.  We've gotten Ramen and played Ping pong with Xia, and just gotten to know him.  He's so funny and sweet, and he loves the gospel and knows God is there.  He is particularly excited to learn how to create a relationship with God!

Kiwamu and Hiro are best friends who we go out to lunch with once a week after Eikaiwa on Saturdays, and talk about the gospel with.  They both love it.  Kiwamu hopes to become fluent in English, and prays multiple times a day for that help, and Hiro has seen many tragedies in his life and has become interested with what happens after this life and how he can be reunited with those he loves.  They are both so golden and not only do we have fun learning together, we're just really good, true, friends.

All of the wonderful people I'm working with I will continue to be friends with after my mission, and I can't wait to visit them and surprise them one day when I'm able to return! :) We will be friends for Eternity, and I know that without a question in my mind.

We had dinner at the Nailions ;)

You'll never guess who I said goodbye to on his last day as a missionary last week!!!! Elder Crosby and I will be good friends the rest of our lives! :D

Sorrry, I should've taken more... I'll try to send more pics next week!  I love you! :)

I saw an old friend from high school.

Alright, I've gotta go about now! :) Thanks for always caring about me and being the best!  I pray for you all the time.  It's going to be overwhelming joy for us to be together again for eternity.  But you know how important this work is.  Duty calls.  (Haha, that was cheesy..)

Alright, sorry I was late this week, we cleaned the temple yesterday. It was an amazing experience, but we had to move P-Day forward one day.  I'll write more promptly next week ;) I love you so much!  Take care!

スタウト長老! ^o^
Elder Stout! :D

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